Part 7 Chapter 1 11 Country Conference

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"Good, very good. That's really good news. In your opinion, how does our strength compare to the Annorial Empire?" Milishial VIII said this to the HME prime minister.

"The Annorial people are the ones who have ties to the Revernal Empire. It is fitting that they are the ones who know the most about the technology and magic used by the Revernal Empire. I suspect, especially for magic related to the Revernal Empire, they are more advanced than HME. But for other types of magic, of course, HME is more advanced. For military power, if we don't get goods from the Myto Empire, then it seems that they will have at least the same military capability as us. But with the import of electronics from the Myto Empire, even though they are very primitive even compared to the Mu Empire's, we can substantially increase our military capability. We have an advantage over the Annorial Empire which still uses pure magic devices." The prime minister said.

"In other words, the use of technology over pure magic provides a much greater advantage, right?" said Milishial VIII.

"Unfortunately, that is true. For example, using a magic detector requires magic materials whose price is very high. Whereas if we use the radar whose design we managed to get from Mu Empire, the price is very cheap. Even our fighter planes can be equipped with cheap radar equipment, which is why we can currently produce more fighter planes than when we used pure magic equipment. Also, the jet engine design we got in the books purchased in Myto Empire allows us to make centrifugal jet engines powered by a combination of fuel oil and magic stones as a booster. The operating cost is much cheaper. We have already mass-produced the Alpha 3A aircraft, which is a modification of the Alpha 3 aircraft using centrifugal jet engines." The prime minister said.

"Oh, I got the report a few months ago. How are the test results?" asked Milishial VIII.

"Very good, sire. The centrifugal jet engine produces much more thrust than the magic compressed air discharge engine. That caused the Alpha 3A fighter's performance to increase considerably." The defense minister said. "I would like your permission to produce Alpha 3A in large quantities."

"Hmm, well, I give permission to produce the fighter to replace the Alpha 3 that we have been producing. The price is also cheaper, right?" said Milishial VIII.

"Yes, almost 40% cheaper than the standard Alpha 3." The prime minister said.

"Alright, produce large quantities immediately. Also, design a new fighter to replace the Alpha 3 using the hybrid technology we already possess." Milishial VIII ordered.

"Yes sire." The prime minister replied.

"Oh, yes, sire. Report, we received information from the Myto Empire that the Gra Valkas have ships that can dive underwater. They attack using a weapon called a torpedo, a cylinder driven by a propeller and filled with explosives." The Prime Minister said.

"Oh, how can we detect ships sailing underwater?" said Mushial VIII, who was feeling rather panicked.

"We can listen to it. We use a microphone that is placed in the water. We can easily build one. But to destroy it is the problem. We are still developing a kind of explosive that will explode in the water according to the depth of the enemy ship. But that's still under development. What we have started to add is only the underwater microphone." The prime minister said.

"Well, at least we can detect them. Maybe we can attack them with magic." Milishial VIII said.

They talked about it long enough that, in the end, Milishial VIII was quite confident that the 11-country conference could go well. Also, the improvement of HME's combat capability can be done because of the threat from the Annorial Empire.


Myto Empire
Terminus Island, Jakarta
Governor Ira's meeting room.

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