"Madam, I genuinely think you can bring a new era to the fashion industry. It would help if you thought about it." Looking at me, she said.

"Than how about we become partners? I'll create some designs for you, and you can make them in your boutique." I proposed my idea to her, and now it was her turn to respond. If she agrees to this arrangement, I won't have to worry about finances after the divorce.

She was surprised by my sudden proposal. "I am serious about this , madam. Take some time to think about it. Let's discuss it next time," I said.

"Very well," she said with a smile.

As it was already lunchtime, I extended a courteous invitation to Madam Fredeca to join me for a meal. Over lunch, we discussed our mutual interests and shared valuable insights. Following our enjoyable conversation, we bid each other farewell.


Having taken the time to respond to a few letters, I decided to make my way to the library. The library was situated a fair distance from the main building where the maids resided, so I had to brace myself for a longer walk. As I made my way to the library, I couldn't help but notice the different buildings and structures that surrounded me. These buildings seemed to blend seamlessly into the beautiful landscape, which was dotted with trees and well-manicured lawns. Despite the longer than usual walk, I enjoyed the refreshing scenery and the feeling of being at one with nature.

As I was walking, I stumbled upon a small but mesmerizing garden. In the center of the garden, there stood a stunning sculpture carved out of white marble. The sculpture was of a woman, and the sculptor had done an impeccable job of capturing her emotions so vividly that it seemed as if the statue was alive. The grace and beauty of the lady were strikingly evident in the sculpture, leaving no room for doubt that she was a true epitome of elegance.

Looking closely at it, I noticed a mark carved on its shoulder.
It was a crescent moon mark.

[An intricate half-crescent moon, in its middle a bird, flapping its enormous wings]

Under the sculpture, something was written…

"You who shall come, be prepared
For once, what was mine
Will be now yours
Call upon it's name
Shall heed your command
Move forth, move forth
On this path."

'Hmm, what does that mean? Anyway, I should get going now.'


In the library...

The library is an immense three-story building that seems to be a world made entirely of books. The shelves stretch out as far as the eye can see, towering over visitors like majestic skyscrapers dedicated to knowledge.

As soon as the librarian caught sight of me, she was taken aback and stood motionless in shock.

"Hello! What a charming place you have here," I complimented as I approached the lady. She seemed a bit taken aback but quickly regained her composure and asked "h--how can I  as--assist you, ma--madam?" "No need to worry, I'll take a look around," I reassured her while gesturing with my hands as I began exploring the area.

I am searching for a book titled "Quest of Namaari" which is an ancient book related to the black dragon. I found it on the second floor, and it seemed odd that it did not appear aged despite its history. Surprisingly, it was relatively clean compared to the impression its name gave.

I sifted through the pages, my eyes scanning every inch of the parchment for any clue that could lead me to the witch. Just when I thought our search was fruitless, a peculiar picture caught my attention. It depicted a dragon looming over the town of Thaton, its massive feet crushing a large bird beneath them. As I gazed at the image, something strange happened - the black ink seemed to come alive, the dragon's scales and the bird's feathers rippling as if caught in a sudden gust of wind. It was as if the picture was telling a tale, and I couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement and fear run down my spine.

Fate : A Twisted Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon