CHAPTER 21 : The battle and The test. Part 1

Start from the beginning

Then the man seeing little daniel says "Thanks for luring them all here. Now with all of them gone we can rule the whole korea. And its all with your help with betraying them. Now only a single lose end remains:". Without giving any chance the man shoots little daniel jolting him. Awake with sweating a lot. Looking around seeing the fimilar room breathing a sigh of relief.

Slowly his nerves clam down. Without thinking much. He goes to sleep thinking of it a nightmare or it was.

In Korea Seoul the place might seem peaceful and lovely. But with all the beauty and show . No one trys to looks the underneath all that beauty. Many who visit the place are drowned with the places beauty so much that many times they forget the the reason for their visit.

Under all the beauty lies many dark secret. As a secret war is going on between 3 sides workers, HNH group, H group. All three groups each with their own goals and motivation. But H group and workers Have a common enemy HNH group Head, Charles Choi. Many wonder why are they both not working together to take Charles down. Each group got their own dark secrets. They don't want each other to find.

The situation is like 3 Loins staring at each other. And all 3 knows if the 2 fights. The 3rd will take the advantage and take down the winner of the fight who will be to weak to defend it self. So All are waiting for one Loin to show weakness.

As once a Great man said "History is not always written by the strongest. But by the person who survives the longest".

But we are not here to focus on seoul. But over seas. We a man seeing the video of big daniel singing at the festival. As we zoom out we see many people with their head down not daring to look at the man. Either it be by respect or fear. As then the man looks to the side and asks "When was this uploaded".

The thug answer "This is was uploaded for almost 2 months sir". The man hearing the response says "Find out everything about him, you have 2 hours if you fail. I don't need to tell you what will happen". As the thug starts to sweat and runs out of their to find everything about daniel.

As then the man raises his hand and tells waves his hand signaling everyone to leave. As then the man lights up a cigrate and thinks "Charles you double crossing son of b***t".

Now then we return to big daniel and rob talking

Rob: "It was nice to talk with you again. See you next time".

System: "Well old man same here, now if you can kindly send me to fight baki. I wanna feel what is hidden inside this body".

As then Rob sends daniel away. While sending him away daniel sees old man smiling and saying some thing " Hope you enjoy your gift ".

The room shifts back to the arena with baki in front of me. As then yujiro stands from the place where he was sitting and goes to the Drum which is the signal for the start of the fight.

Yujiro giving his classic smile says in a loud voice "I saw many fighters during my time. Many with so many weakness. As with my eyes I can easily see any fighter weakness. But your special, I cannot see your weak points, Its like your body was made to fight and you honed it to perfection, But against an hanma no perfection can help you. You will be a testing board for baki to see if he is ready to challenge me. I hope you don't disappoint me".

Hearing the words of yujiro many people eyes widen. As the arena which was once shrouded in noise is now silent. Like the noise never existed here. With many people like doopo, retsu, tokigawa and many other fighters sweating. As for baki himself is shocked beyond the point. As many are doubting their ears, the man who beated and humiliated many fighters praising or saying words of encouragement. Makes them all shocked.

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