26 Austin

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"She is lovely, Austin, and very beautiful," his mother says as they watch Willow dancing around in the backyard with Zeus. He gets a little too excited and trips her, making her tumble. But, she sits up again and starts laughing then throws her arms around Zeus and hugs him tight.

"She is amazing, mom. I love her. Love her very much. She...I know it sounds cliche...but, she made me feel human again without even trying."

"She looks like a fairy. Like a little magical fairy...I never thought people like her existed."

"Sometimes I have a hard time believing she is human."

"Mhmm, I agree," his mom says laughing softly as she watches Willow make Zeus dance on his back legs while she twirls around him. "I hope Hollywood doesn't darken her like it did you...even though you have come back to us a better man now," she whispers, almost to herself. "She is confident in herself. She does not care how people view her, Willow will be Willow no matter where she is...although..." he says, his thoughts trailing.

"Although what, love?"

"She has this piece of land in Utah. It's in the middle of nowhere. There is an icy river running through it that she swims in every morning and a little cottage in the woods. She drinks milk from her cows and eats eggs from her chickens. She has a field of wildflowers, makes whisky that could kill a man, and gathers wild honey. She thrives out there - it's like the land is her lifeline. We have been in the city for one day and I can see the toll it takes on her. She came willingly and I know she will stay as long as I ask her to because she is selfless. I want to marry her, mom. I want her to travel with me and live in my houses, be by my side at every party and function...but...she is a wildflower."

"She will wilt if you take her from her land..."


"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. But, what I do know is that I will always put her needs above my own. Always."

"You sound so much like your father."

Austin smiles at the thought. He is proud to have even an ounce of the dignity his father portrays. They watch Willow fondly, captivated by her whimsical prancing, for a while longer then his mother announces that his father will be home soon and suggests he call Willow inside so she can feed her. Austin stands and opens the kitchen door then steps out and walks slowly toward Willow. "Your mom has a beautiful garden and your tree house is still up, see!" she says pointing to his old tree house that has seen better days. "She takes a lot of pride in her garden, baby," he says taking her hand and pulling her close to him. "All fixed?" she asks smiling up at him. "With my mom, yes. But, my dad will be home soon and I think that talk will take a little longer," he says.

"You take all the time you need. We are not in a rush," she says hugging him. He knows, but he can see her wilting a little more with every passing second. He would sacrifice himself for her and that reality scares him a little.

"My mom wants to feed you, food is her way of showing affection."

"Ooh, I am hungry!" Willow says pulling out of his arms and rushing off to the kitchen. Austin chuckles then calls Zeus and follows her. His mother had made a cake so she cuts them each a slice then sits down with them at the kitchen table and listens to Willow babble on about how they met, her family, and a million other things. Austin can tell his mother is taken with Willow and he is not surprised, he has yet to meet a person who does not like her. Willow is like a beam of light and people are like moths to a flame when it comes to her - everyone is drawn to her.

"Where are you staying?" his mother asks.

"At my apartment."

"You still have it?"

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