20 Austin

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They travel in convey up the mountain. First Nathan and Cally in the front, followed by Jerry and Sunny, then Willow, Austin, Fern, and Zeus, and behind them; Nash and Drew. Willow had convinced Drew to give up his suit for the weekend by presenting him with a pair of homemade jeans and a t-shirt that she had painted to look like the front of a suit. Drew had tried very hard to hide his grin - it had not worked.

The road is isolated, narrow, and very bushy - they are driving into the middle of nowhere. If they run into trouble they are on their own but no one seems to care and Austin has a sneaky suspicion that Jerry will get them out of any pickle they may find themselves in. For the most part, the drive is nice. But, that's no big relation, to be honest - Austin will happily go anywhere with Willow and have no regrets about it.

"So do you shit your pants when you stand on stage and see all those people?" Fern asks.

"Not you saying a bad word in my red Fararrie, Fern. But, a valid question," Willow says then looks at Austin expectantly too. "Yes, I do. Every time I go up. I like the feeling - I am addicted to the rush. In a good way, and it makes me feel alive," Austin answers truthfully. Being on stage, seeing the crowd stretching on forever in front of him, and feeding off their excitement has always been thrilling. It was his dream and it came true. He lost his way, sure. Got way off track but it wasn't like it was all bad. There were some good parts and those parts he wants back. He has changed, and he has a new outlook on life - but he knows deep down in his gut that he will never give up singing. He wants out of Hollywood, he will shun the bells and whistles. People can take or leave him, all he cares about is Willow's opinion. But, like Willow, he has a dream, and, he can't walk away from it.

He needs to talk to her. He needs to work out their future. Because he wants to keep her by his side and he does not know how that will work. He also has a contract. An iron-clad contract that demands a lot of him. The anxiety swirling in his stomach demands he speak to her now. Being without her causes him physical pain. But, it's not a conversation that would be appropriate around Fern. But, he does need to speak to her.

"We are here!" Fern screams as Willow squeals and Zeus goes berserk behind them. Austin should have known they would have an old shack built up here against the mountain and next to a large lake. It's nothing much, just an ancient-looking shack but the way Willow and Fern's eyes light up, Austin can tell this place holds sentimental value to both of them. Fern scrambles over Willow and Zeus is right behind him when Austin brings the van to a stop. Willow pushes back in her chair with a giggle to ensure she does not obstruct their over-excited exit.

"So what do you think?" Willow asks turning to Austin with a huge grin that shows all her teeth. 

"I think it doesn't look like much...but, looks can be deceiving right?"

"Right. When my mom was pregnant with Nathan and me it was not an easy pregnancy. She was easily drained and, bless everyone, they were very excited and would often visit. But, it got a bit much and so my mom asked my dad to take her away - just for a little break. He brought her here. They pitched a tent and spent the weekend alone. Mom loved it so much that Dad bought the land and came up with her throughout her pregnancy, he built the cabin during that time. After we were born, we got a lot of visitors and so to give my mom a break Dad would bring us all up here. Mom would swim in the lake and sunbathe on the grass while Dad would potter around with Nathan and me strapped to his front and back."

"Your dad is a good husband. He sets the bar pretty high."

"He is and he does. Throughout our childhood, when Nathan and I needed a moment, he would pack us up and bring us here. When we were younger he would take us fishing, or hiking - anything we wanted to do, he was 100% available. When we got to our teens he would leave us to roam and sulk, and be in our emotions - he was still 100% available but only if we asked."

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