15 Willow

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By the time they get back to Willow's home, it's late already. But, it's a Sunday so she has no clients. They unload the van and place Austin's bag in her room. She is thankful to be home, breathing easy and knowing deep down in her soul that she would never be able to give this all up. She feels part of it. "What now? Do you have to milk a cow?" Austin asks. "Yes, but first..." Willow says opening the cupboard and pulling three towels out, "Wash time!"

"Willow, you are mad if you think I am getting into that river again. Once is enough. I am cold just thinking about it," he says then shivers. "This happens every morning. Zeus has not even bothered coming inside - he is already in the river. Come on! Let's wake that spirit!" Willow says walking out her kitchen door. "I will just watch today," Austin says from behind her. "Ok," Willow says with a shrug. She won't force the man. "Do you not own a costume?" Austin asks as he watches her undress. "I do," Willow grins at him - she knows it was a rhetorical question. She takes a deep breath then runs and leaps into the deepest part of the river, swimming down and holding onto a rock at the bottom of the river bed then looking up. All she can see is a blue sky. It's cold in here but it makes her feel alive.

She waits for a little bit then sees Austin pop into view. It looks like he is searching for her and she can just make out his muffled shouts. He strips and then jumps into the water. By the time he is grabbing her and pulling her up she is laughing. "Dam it, Willow!  I thought you had knocked your head and were lying dead on the bottom of the river!" he groans. "Aww, sorry...but it got you in," Willow says grinning as she wraps herself around him. "Fuck it's cold in here," Austin says burying his head in her neck. "But, you are alive!" Willow shouts then swims say from him, Austin groans but follows her. They stay in the river for a while then climb out and dry off. They dress and then Willow dries Zeus off. "What's that?" she hears Austin say from behind her. She turns to look. "Oh!  Austin, Stop!" she tries to stop him but she is too late. The neighbor's lama has wandered onto her property, it's really cute but can't be trusted and Austin has gotten too close so all she can do is watch as George, the lama, lugs a large green ball of spit at Austin - splattering his face, neck, and chest.

"Fuck! It vomited on me!" Austin says stumbling back as he tries to wipe George's spit off his face. "George would never be that rude. It's just spit," Willow giggles and hands him a towel. "This is vomit, Willow. It's all over my face and my clothes," he groans whipping his face and his chest. "He is a lama, Austin. They spit," Willow says rubbing his back, poor guy it's in his ears too. "They just spit?  Who the fuck makes an animal that just spits? Smell my beard, it's vomit. Fuck, I am dying. Is my face melting? Is it melting, Willow?" Austin asks pushing his face toward her so she can sniff it. Willow giggles again and kisses his cheek.

"You are fine, it just smells bad."

"It vomited on me, Willow!"

Willow laughs again and walks up to George. "Stop that, you are giving gorgeous George a complex," she says running her hands through his fur. "Gorgeous?  That thing is the ugliest animal I have ever seen," Austin mumbles still wiping spit from his beard. George takes a step forward and Austin jumps back throwing his arms out. "I am sorry, I didn't mean it. You are gorgeous," Austin pleads. "You crack me up, Austin," Willow laughs then leads George into the paddock with Dasy and Duke. "He comes to visit my cows sometimes. You go wash up," she says walking back to Austin.

"I am not getting back into the river."

"Go shower and I will make you a big breakfast."

Austin looks annoyed but nods his head and then turns, walking up to the house. "Wash your ears!" Willow shouts after him with a chuckle then looks at Zeus. "That pissed him off," she says taking a basket and walking off to her chickens with Zeus. She collects a few eggs and then walks into the forest, gathering a few mushrooms before she heads back into the house. She can hear Austin is out of the shower already so she starts breakfast and by the time he wanders into the kitchen she has finished. "Sit down," she says over her shoulder as she plates up then turns to give him his plate but stops short. "What are you wearing?" she asks. Austin looks down at his clothes and then back at her.

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