14 Willow

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Willow checks the time and sighs softly when she sees it's 1 a.m. She has tried to sleep but she can't. She hates it here so much, it's so heavy and she is battling to breathe, to be honest. Austin has fallen asleep, his arms curled around her and his face in her neck. The blankets are warm and the bed is soft - but she feels out of place. The bathroom light is still on so the room is not dark, thankfully, but, when she looks around the room all she can see are dark furnishings. Her green bag seems to almost glow in contrast. It's a stark reminder of how different she and Austin are. He keeps superficial company, has a stark look at life, and is mostly sullen-faced. Willow is the opposite - she needs colors, bright colors, and her cheeks often hurt from smiling, her friends are all near and dear - lifelong. Her home is also her favorite place in the world. It brings peace and calm - the opposite of what Austin's house brings. She closes her eyes and tries to sleep again but it's hopeless - she just can't. How is she going to tell Austin she can't be here? This is his home and she feels awful that she can't stop this uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach from being here. It's so quiet and isolating here.

Eventually, she gives up on trying to sleep and slips carefully out of Austin's arms. Maybe a little fresh air will calm the anxiety in her chest. She opens the bedroom door and then looks out over the pitch-black passage. She was not joking about being scared of the dark. Zeus yawns and stretches then climbs out of his bed and comes to stand next to Willow's feet. "It's dark out there, Zuzu," she whispers. Zeus snorts at her and then disappears down the dark passage. "Goodbye, Zuzu, the monsters have you now. You were a good boy," she mumbles to herself. Suddenly the lights turn on and Zeus is sitting in the middle of the passage looking at her. Did he turn the lights on? Willow knows he is a clever dog - but turning lights on?  That's a little too freaky even for her.

She walks down the passage, patting Zeus on the head as she walks past him and heads for the kitchen. The light from the passage lightens the kitchen so she pops her head in and looks for the light switch, but she can't find it then Zeus walks past her, and when he gets deep enough the lights suddenly turn on. "The lights are motion censored? Rich people come up with the strangest shit," Willow says opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water then walking over to the patio door and hoping for just a normal lock and handle. She is in luck. She opens the door and steps out, taking a few careful steps forward then breathing a sigh of relief as the outside lights turn on when they sense her. She pads to the end of the patio and places her feet on the grass then sits down and sips on her water while she watches the stars, Zeus flopping down next to her.

She had hoped the fresh air would ease this anxiety in her chest and help her grow a little sleepy, but the longer she sits the more anxious she gets. She hates it here, and now that her toes are on the grass she realizes the grass is not real - it's just fancy terf. She does not know what the future for her and Austin will look like but she is fairly certain that this house will be visited as little as possible. What would a relationship with Austin look like?  She thinks he would be away for work a lot, she would go but she does not want to leave her land. He could visit her - but how often?  Once or twice a year? Would she want a relationship like that?  She is not sure. She is not sure about anything really - except her dislike for this house.

She hears movement from behind her, Zeus hears it too because he lifts his head. She turns to see Austin standing in the patio doorway with bags in each hand. One is her bag and the other she presumes is his bag. "Ready to go home, baby?" he asks with a soft smile on his face. "You sure?" Willow asks, standing. The anxiety is now replaced by guilt. "Yeah...you gave it a go and my sleep feels heavy here. Let's go home," he says. Willow smiles and walks closer to him, looping her arms around his waist and squeezing him tight. Austin kisses her forehead and then pulls her inside with him. "Come on," he says then hands her bag to her and locks the patio door.

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