4 Willow

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"Ok! Here we are! Be prepared to be amazed!" Willow announces with jazz hands as she parks her van at the dog shelter, Zeus barking in excitement. Austin looks a bit perplexed and keeps quiet. He has a heavy cloud hanging over him and it makes his shoulders slump. Willow would hug him - hugs are powerful, but she does not think he would appreciate it. So with a soft sigh, she jumps out of her van with Zeus following her then opens the back of her van and hooks up the water system to the outside tap.

Austin climbs out gingerly and looks around then climbs into the back and sits in a seat next to her doggie bath. He looks a little lost and that's ok - he has never done this before so Willow is happy with him just watching if that's what he is comfortable doing. "I thought you might have forgotten us," Marty says coming out of the shelter with two puppies. "Oh, I would never do that," Willow says hopping out of her van and taking one puppy. He is a cutie, but dirty and flea-ridden, she cuddles him anyway.

"Is it just the two pups today?"

"No. There are ten of them. I will set up the pen outside and bring the rest," Marty says then freezes, his eyes almost popping out of his head. Willow turns to where he is looking and sees he has a clear view of Austin. Austin is busy talking to Zeus and snooping through her things so he hasn't noticed Marty's reaction to seeing him. "Do you know who he is?" Willow whispers. "Everyone knows who he is," Marty whispers, his eyes still glued on Austin. "He is having a bit of a break...mind not making too much of a big deal that he is...well, him?" Willow asks, taking the other puppy from him. "Willow, but that's..." Marty says, his mouth now hanging open. "I will bring you the first batch of my new berry wine," Willow bribes him. "And two jars of that wild honey?" Marty tries to push his luck. It's good honey. "Deal," Willow says. Marty stares at Austin for a little longer while he weighs up his options. Having a photo taken with Austin or acquiring two jars of wild honey and a batch of Willow's berry wine seems like it is a tough choice for Marty.

But the wine and honey win in the end and he walks off to the dog shelter to get the rest of the pups quietly. "Thank you," Austin mumbles when she climbs into the van with the dirty pups. "Don't mention it. Everyone deserves a break now and then. Besides, we have a big job to do," Willow says showing Zeus the puppies, he sniffs them happily.

"What...uh...what do you need me to do?"

"You want to help?"

Austin looks around, his shoulders still slumped. He does not look like he wants to be here, he doesn't look like he wants to be anywhere to be fair. He looks back at Willow then shrugs and nods. "Will you hold this one while I start on this one, please...he is dirty though," she says holding a puppy out to Austin. "I don't mind," he says taking it gently then watches her without a word as she starts washing a puppy. She gives it the full works, shampoo, conditioner, trimmed nails, and tidy up of his now fluffy fur. She takes a treat and then hands the fresh fluffy puppy to Austin who seems happy to hold the treat while the puppy gnaws on it. She takes the one who has fallen asleep in his arms, it whines when she lifts it. "Oh, I know baby - but you will love this too," Willow tries to soothe it.

This one is not happy and starts whimpering and shaking the second it sees the water. "You are up, Zuzu," Willow says. Zeus jumps up and presses his nose into the puppy's nose. The puppy calms immediately and lets Willow bathe and clean it with no more fuss. She peeps over at Austin and sees he is watching her and Zeus with a surprised, yet impressed face. Once done she takes the puppy from Austin and takes them both out to the dog pen Marty had set up.

Marty is playing with the pups but freezes when he sees Austin has followed Willow out. Willow pleads with her eyes for Marty to just act cool. It's a hardship for Marty but he smiles and greets Austin as if he has no idea who he is. Willow puts the clean pups in the pen and takes a dirty one, when she turns around to go back into the van Zeus follows her but Austin does not. She gets to cleaning the pup and when she turns around to take it outside Austin appears with a dirty pup and they swap puppies. He is quiet and does not say much but Willow can see his shoulders are not hunched as much anymore.

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