Outer space time!

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They go through thinking about and they do what the usually do they work together and think of a solution

Isogai: oh so let's get this plan into action first off the rocket only holds three people whose going

All the guys put their hands up

Rio: oh wonderful boys will be boys

Kazuto: Hey it's something that's on every man's bucket list

Korosensei: This is an experimental vessel With as yet no successful flights who's going now

All most all the guys put their hands down

I thought so

Kazuto: I want to go anyway I don't care about any of what you jist said it's just the thought of seeing all that amazing tech makes me so excited I can't stand it

Itona: I was about to say the same thing I love technology and the thought of going makes my mouth water buts it's clear to me who should go


Kazuto: yes!

Nagisa: huh

Karma: What I'm not that fond of taking taking big risks especially with my life on the land why don't we send Terasaka and two dummies there all expendable

Terasaka: ASSHOLE

Meg: karma the fight in case there's a scuffle, Nagisa rhe assassin just to be safe and then there's Kazuto the tech nerd who not only know how to handle himself but also will understand everything they are saying that seems like an idea team for me

Isogai: perfect everyone save up some money to cover the cost

Terasaka tells karma to not whimp out

Nagisa: Karma I say we give it a shot what's better than a trip to outer space with your two best friends eh come on

Kazuto: my thoughts exactly unless you want to be the kid that had the chance to go to space but he bailed because he was too scared

Karma twitched: sure fine let's do it

Korosensei: excellent then it's settled

They work together and break into the base

the space trio are in the vents and they hear Ritsu has successfully taken control of the shuttle

Nagisa: first hurdle has been cleared nice

Kazuto: sweet hey Ritsu looks like a bug part of our entry route is above ground there anything you can do about that

Ritsu: roger and I'm confirming your current position now,

She finds them

Ritsu: and found you how about I shut down he security camera for ten seconds

Kazuto: sounds good great job as always Ritsu

Ritsu: thanks ok Three two one GO!

Ritsu takes care of the cameras in the area they dodge the security guard and find korosensei by running up to the shuttle

Korosensei: Hehehe Expection perfection

Karma; anyone else smell a liability suit

Korosensei: please don't say things like that

Ritsu: all clear i'm relaying the pre-recorded footage of the dummy pilots you can swap them out now, no one will notice

Nagisa: Alright karma, Kazuto let's go!

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