chapter 145

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taehyung was sitting on the couch in the living room listening to his mom arguing with her son. he felt guilty because didnt know jungkook loved him. after awhile he saw jungkook coming into the living room and sat next to him. "so you heard everything, right?" "yeah. im sorry for keeping this from you. i didnt know you loved me." "its not your fault so dont apologize for something you cant control. people have their fears. but it just hurts me to know that im the one you're afraid of. and if you'd let me i would like to help you overcome your fear. but thats only if you would let me." "i trust you. and im sorry again." "hey, its okay. im not mad at you. "oh my gosh! there he is! taehyung, where have you been? ive been looking for you everywhere." "what are you doing here mrs.lee?" "oh dear you dont have to adress me as that. you can call me mom like you used to." "excuse me but who are you?" "im his foster mother. i was told that he ran away. i didnt expect him to be here." "well he has another family now. you can leave him alone." "oh dont be silly. taehyung has to come home with me. we are supposed to be making cookies together." "im sorry ma'am but i dont remember you being my foster mom. can you please leave? you are scaring me."

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