Chapter 122

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Jeongguk: Has anyone seen Taehyung. He was here whenever I went to the bathroom. Sana: I-I haven't seen him. Jeongguk: You're acting strange. And if you haven't seen him then why are you stuttering? Sana: I always stutter like this. It's nothing personal. Jeongguk: No, you're acting kind of strange. Have you seenbhim? Sana: Me? No. Taehyung: Mommy! Jeongguk: Baby! Oh my god what are you doing in here love? Taehyung: That mean woman pushed me in the closet! Jeongguk: What? Baby tell me everything that happened. Taehyung: Well, whenever you went to the bathroom she pushed me in the closet and locked the door. She said I was nothing but a waste and that you didn't need me. Jeongguk: What the hell Sana? Why would you do that? Sana: He is lying. I never locked him in the closet. Jeongguk: Then who else did it? Because it damn sure wasn't me. Now my baby is scared. Sana: I'm sorry. I did it because I love you. Jeongguk: Get the hell out. Sana: Jeongguk please. I have nowher else to go. Jeongguk: That's not my problem. But you aren't staying here after you almost killed my baby. Now get the hell out! ..... Taehyung: Mommy, im scared. Jeongguk: Shh baby. Mommy's here. I won't let anything happen to you. Let's go to bed. Taehyung: Mommy? Jeongguk: Yes baby? What is it? Taehyung: I'm cold. Jeongguk: Come here. I'll warm you up. There you go. All nice and warm.

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