In fact, they surpassed them.

While a feudal lord's authority was limited to a province or kingdom at best, the Radiant Saint's influence extended across the entire empire and the continent.

In terms of influence, yes, but what about honor and prosperity?

There was no comparison.

Not to mention the accolades, the opulence, and the glory they basked in were arguably the most coveted on the continent.

Of course, this was a dream for the distant future.

For the time being, it was time to attend to the task at hand.

Stabilizing the Rafalde region successfully.

That's what he needed to do now.

"Please take care!"

"Don't forget us, Your Highness!"

"We'll be waiting for your return!"

"Hooray for Raymond!"

"Majesty Raymond!"

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the capital's people, Raymond departed for the Rafalde region.


When Raymond left, there were those who sent looks opposite to the people's sentiments—princes.

"What do you intend to do?"

Remerton bit his lip.

"The King's words imply that he has the idea of considering Raymond as the heir to the throne. Will you let it be this way?"

"And if not? Should our little puppy tremble in fear even if it means wearing fake bravado?"

"Brother! This isn't the time to be flippant!"

Remerton exclaimed.

"Has our Father ever supported any of us like this before? No! If this continues, the throne could slip into Raymond's hands!"

Indeed, ultimately, the decision on the next heir to the throne rested heavily on King Odin's will.

If Odin was determined to favor Raymond, the throne might even be handed over to him.

'Perhaps Father has thoughts of Raymond deep inside.'

Remerton entertained such speculations.

He wondered if Raymond's appointment to the feudal lordship was merely a strategic move to eventually position the abandoned child on the throne.

It might seem like an excessive conjecture, but Remerton's anxiety had reached such a peak that he felt he might lose his sanity.

However, Kairen maintained his usual composed attitude.

"Such a thing won't happen."

"Brother! Even if it's just among us, let's unite and quash Raymond...!"

"Tsk. Too noisy. If the pup scares you that much, handle it yourself. I'm not interested."

Remerton's face reddened as he stood up.

"Very well. If you continue to ignore me like this, I have no choice. I'll confront Raymond on my own. Don't regret it later."

The door slammed shut with a sound.

Kairen whistled.

"He's really angry."

At that moment, a subordinate who was nearby cautiously spoke.

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