With one hand leaning on the door, he replied in a soft tone, "I just arrived." He made his way towards the table without making any noise and placed the tray on it gently. He then approached me slowly, and in his hand, he held the same wooden box that I had previously seen in his room.

He carefully placed the box on the vanity table before taking out the necklace. As I faced the mirror, he gently put the necklace around my neck, his hands resting on my shoulders. Our eyes met in the mirror, and he whispered softly in my ear, "You look stunning." With a warm smile, he added, "Take all the time you need. I'll be waiting for you." He then left, leaving me to admire the necklace and bask in his kind words.

It was a startling experience when he breathed hotly into my ear, causing me to shiver. I felt my ears turning red with embarrassment. The servants who witnessed the event were surprised. They could hardly believe that their master, who was usually cold as ice, would act this way. They whispered among themselves, unable to comprehend what had just happened.


I descended the stairs to the waiting room where Ivan was getting dressed. The tailor who fashioned his attire acknowledged me with a greeting.

"Where is he?" I asked the man. "I did not know you were this impatient, my dear wife," Ivan said in a flirty tone.

As the curtains of the changing room parted, he stepped out and my eyes widened at the sight of him. He was tall with broad shoulders, and his chiseled jawline gave him an air of confidence. His dark hair was slightly tousled, as if he had just run his fingers through it. I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest as I took in his handsome features. I tried to calm myself down, reminding myself to keep my cool. But even as I did, I couldn't help but think to myself, "God, he look so hot."

As I looked at him, I noticed that he was dressed to the nines. He had on a sleek black tuxedo and a black ash vest, with a black tie featuring a stylish chain and silver clip attached to it. A stunning designed brooch was also visible on his chest, adding to his overall elegance. His white shirt was perfectly trimmed down and complemented his outfit beautifully. To top it all off, he wore short black gloves and a charming grin on his face. The author really did an excellent job of bringing this character to life with their attention to detail.

"You look handsome" I complemented him. "That's it, nothing more to say," he said giving me a lopsided smile. I smiled and shook my head in denial. As we approached the ballroom, he reminded me for the ninth time to act properly. With confidence, I replied, "I know," while rolling my eyes.

As we approached the door, the guard standing beside it blushed and quickly lowered his head to announce our arrival. With our arms locked, we strode confidently into the ballroom, immediately drawing everyone's attention. All eyes were fixed on us like hawks eyeing their prey. The looks we were receiving were stressful, and I wondered whether I would have to endure them all evening.

As the me and Ivan made our way through the ballroom, the ladies couldn't help but admire their stunning appearance. "Wow, the Duke is so handsome," remarked one of them. "And the Duchess is so beautiful," added another. "They look so good together," chimed in a third. "I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as I watched the Duke look at his wife with such adoration". The lustful glances from the other women made me feel like they were trying to steal him away from me. I shot them an angry glare, and they quickly hid their faces behind their hand-fans. All around me, people were gossiping about the us, but I tried to focus on enjoying the evening.

As I stood next to my husband, the Duke stood up and raised his glass to congratulate us on our marriage. All of the guests followed suit, offering their congratulations as well. I couldn't help but notice the ladies in attendance gawking at my Mr. Grumpy, some even seeming to drool at the sight of him. While everything else seemed to be peaceful, I couldn't shake the feeling that this quiet moment was the calm before the storm. As someone who had read many novels, I knew that there was never a quiet time before the happy ending, and this made me anxious.

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