Your eyes scan the screen, finding drawings, punk edits, gifs and links to various fanfictions.

Dan sees the links and laughs again. "Oh look, Y/n, fanfiction!"

You groan and cover your face with your hands. "No! I've had a horrible experience with fanfiction."

Dan's eyes light up. "Wait wait wait - can I tell them?"

You roll your eyes and nod, smiling.

"Right, so what happened was Y/n and I were scrolling through Tumblr, when a fanfiction link came up. We were really curious and wanted to read it-"

"No," you interrupt. "You wanted to read it."

"Excuse me? I'm trying to tell a story here!" Dan says, raising an eyebrow at you.

You laugh and fall silent again. 

"Anyway, I clicked on the link, and yeah... we basically read smut," he finishes.

You chuckle. "Aaand that's why I'm never reading fanfiction again."

"What if I make you read it?" Dan asks, smiling cheekily.

You shake your head and put on a serious expression. "Nope! You won't be able to."

"Oh yeah? How about I tickle you to change your mind?" he says, wiggling his fingertips at you menacingly.

You raise an eyebrow at him in the hope to seem uninterested. "You can try, I'm not ticklish."

Dan turns to the camera. "Y/n's incredibly ticklish."

"No," you protest. "I'm not...?"

"Is that a question or a statement?" he teases.

"Both," you say, laughing.

You suddenly feel a hand poking at your sides, making you squirm.

"No! Stop!" you exclaim, gasping for air.

"I thought you said you weren't ticklish, Y/n," Dan says in a patronising voice, his eyes crinkling up as he smiles.

You pout at him. "Okay, maybe I am. A little bit..."

He raises his eyebrow at you.

"Okay! A lot," you say, rolling your eyes. "I hate you."

"Love you too!" he says in a sing-song voice, giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

You blush and smile at him.

*le time skip*

Dan cuts off the camera and grins at you.

"Are you happy with that?" he asks.

"Yeah, it was great!" you reply. "What did you think?"

He tilts his head and thinks. "Well, I think it was a little bit worse than my other videos."

You frown. "Why was that?"

He shrugs. "You were in it, so that automatically makes it bad."

You shove him in the chest lightly. "You're so rude."

Dan laughs and gives you a kiss on the forehead.

"If I buy you pizza will you forgive me?"

You put on a thoughtful expression for a moment. "Yeah, but it has to be (favourite pizza)."

Dan rolls his eyes and smiles. "Of course."

You do a little hand dance. "Thank you!" you exclaim, grinning.

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now