With a nod and a heavy sigh, Anzide stood from the table.

"Do not leave this van unless it is on fire. Is that clear?"


Leaning down, Anzide kissed me. It was hard to resist him when he was being so caring. My hand smoothed over the bristly jaw, enjoying the moment of affection. Our time alone together was becoming increasingly less and less, which was annoying. The sooner the house was back to the way that it was, the better.

"I won't be long."

Anzide faded out of the caravan, leaving me alone. It was at that moment that all the bravado left me, and I suddenly wanted him to come back. Rushing to the door, I flicked the lock and silently prayed that if the horrid vampires of this town came calling, it would be enough of a deterrent.

All but the light over the main bed was off. I snuggled into the corner and played games on my phone. There wasn't much else to do. I'd finished my school work, I couldn't travel to the portal without Anzide, and there wasn't a single book in this caravan to read.

Hearing a thump on the door, I jumped with fright. Gritting my teeth together to ensure I remained silent, I carefully sat forward and looked at the thin metal that would not withstand a desperate vampire. Was Harlwood's spell enough to keep Drakkus and his underlings away?

"Evie?" Brad called out.

Sighing heavily, I put my phone down. Getting up from the bed, I walked to the door.

"What took you so long?"

Opening the door, I saw the hungry Brad that was a menace.

"Brad, did you feed?"

He stepped up onto the first metal step, staring at me.

"No," he murmured.

Warily I put some distance between us. It was not enough, and I hit the edge of the dining table.

"Why not? Where's Anzide?"

I got no answer, just a vampire that took another step closer. His eyes were turning orange, the skin was pale, and those horrid fangs were tapering thin. He was ready and willing to take whatever he could, and in this case, it was me.

"Don't do this," I whispered. "You need to control the hunger."

"I tried. They all run away. You're the only one that doesn't run off screaming."

"Okay," I said, trying to be reassuring. "You need a few more lessons. Maybe a little guidance from Niko."

Brad huffed like it was beneath him yet funny.

He swooped with such speed that I didn't see it until he had me pinned to the table. I struggled but was not winning the battle. Brad had more to gain from this. At least, I guess that's what he thought. I wanted to fight him off, but it wasn't easy. My life depended on it, yet he was winning. Maybe he was just stronger than me.

"Please," I begged. "You'll regret this when it's over."

The fangs were bared at me. A soft hissing noise echoed as he approached, ready to bite my neck. There was only one solution, and I didn't like it. Only one way out of a dire situation. I kneed him in the groin.

Brad groaned with a mighty wince on his face, buckling over and freeing me.

"Sorry," I called out, rushing to the door. "I really do want cousins someday. I'm sure you'll be fine."

Grabbing the keys, I pulled the door shut and locked it. He was temporarily trapped until he figured out how to unlock the door without the key. It wasn't easy, but it could be done. I hoped it would take him a while to figure it out, but Brad was a smart guy, and of course, he was hungry.

Looking around, I realized that there was no one that could help me. If I ran to the neighbors, I'd put them at risk. I could wait for Anzide to return, but that might take a while. And of course, I could stay and duke it out with my uncle, hoping to remain unharmed while not doing too much damage to him.

The desperation was clearly taking over.

Brad thumped his body against the door. Angry words were spat out. I stepped back with no idea of what I could do to make this better, to stop the ravenous vampire.

I looked at the forest. It was not an ideal situation. In fact, it was the worst place for me to be right now. As I thought about vampire abilities, I looked around at the yard and then the forest. Brad was insanely fast in open areas, which meant that I stood no chance of outrunning him here. The vampires that taunted Niko, they moved through the forest in short, sharp bursts, which indicated that they couldn't maneuver around objects at fast speeds.

Was I better off in the forest?

The door swung open with a mighty clatter, and one angry vampire stood at the doorway, heaving as if he'd just run a marathon.

Brad began to stalk me, slowly moving closer. Even though I was backing away, he still managed to close the gap with larger strides.

In another blur of movement, Brad knocked me over, pushing me down to the grass. The fangs were out again, and this time, he was wise enough to put weight on my legs. My arms were held out wide, and I could not move.

Tears streamed freely. I looked up to the man that had been my world for the past three years, who had saved me from a life in foster homes, and who had given me so much freedom. For us to be like this, it was beyond wrong.

"Please don't destroy the trust that we've built."

Brad frowned, tilting his head back a fraction. It was like the request had registered in his mind, but he couldn't understand what I'd asked of him. It was enough though. The thoughts in his mind were distracting enough for him to shift his focus elsewhere, so I used them to my advantage.

Knocking him back, I scrambled to my feet. As Brad lifted from the ground, I punched him and ran.

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