Kaijo - 98

Touou - 106

"That must be tough," Riko stated, seeing the players exhausted after that high pace play.

I'm exhausted." Koganei complained making Riko retort at him, "Not you!"

"I've never seen such a static flow in a game before. The inside players must be really worn down mentally." Riko said.

"It's especially tough on Kaijo. They've been stuck 8 to 10 points behind forever, but even with the clock ticking they still haven't given up." Hyuga added.

'Please be alright...Ryo-kun...' You internally gave a small prayer for the Kaijo ace.

"Sakurai!" The three-point shooter missed to catch the ball getting Kise to steal it.

"The balance is broken!" Hyuga said in shock to see Kise react so quickly.

"This is Kaijo's chance!" Izuki said, everyone on the edge of their seats.

"Stop them! Defend at all costs!" The Touou coach yelled.

"One minute left. This is where the game will be decided. If they make this shot, they'll only be two threes behind. It'll boost the team's morale. If they miss, they'll have reached their time limit. In other words, practically speaking...it's their last chance!" Kiyoshi said all the possible outcomes of the game are Kise doesn't do something.

Aomine and Kise we're going one-on-one again as they have since the beginning of the game.

The two think of what the other is going to do.

You felt something as you saw Kise do a formless shot, "A formless shot?" Koganei asked.

"Kasamatsu-san!" You saw the captain right behind the aces, awaiting a pass.

But then a flash of light overcame your vision as you saw a hand stop, Kise. Your vision of the future...

"Aomine..." Just as you saw, Aomine moved his body to block the pass getting the ball out of bounds. Shocking everyone with how agile and flexible he was.

"He stopped the shot?" Koganei was hanging on to Riko and Tsuchida's seats in surprise.

"They lost their only chance," Kiyoshi stated making you worry even more for Kise and Kaijo.

"You've done pretty well up until now, but in the very end, you finally made a mistake." Kise perked up when Aomine started to speak.

"If it had been a one-on-one, you may have had a chance to win. You faked by looking one way and...liked at Kasamatsu on your right." Kise was shocked to hear that Aomine found out about his fake.

"In that position, I wouldn't fake with my eyes. At first glance, a pass seems like the most surprising move, but it's also something I would never do and the most easily predicted move." Aomine started to walk past Kise.

My basketball isn't designed to rely on my teammates.

"Get ready for the next play! This game isn't over yet!" Kasamatsu punched Kise's head.

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