Well, besides the stuff they said at the hospital. Your partner is in prison and not dead. Things could turn around. Almost wanted to say that but if Millie knew what they were thinking. She had this look that said no. Millie, who usually doesn't mind when their mouth opens up to so much bullshit, had that same look again back in the hospital. Only agreed because he didn't want a talk down along with those thoughts in his head. That's it!

You just don't want to lose them.

Any who after that meeting. The week back into work was full of tension. We did get a few clients so work kept them on their toes or distant for a certain few of them. Blitz was just oddly quiet unless talking with a client or with the girls. Attempt on his part talking with Moxxie like he use to do at work. That includes the jokes, insults or even attempt sex joke. Which resulted in being ignored while they work at the desk.

Millie, Blitz do try to liven it up like before.

Not even Loona pushes it on the comments. Sure, still herself, along with some rudeness thrown in.  Didn't make any kind of comments about Striker either accept inside her head. Doesn't say his name around Blitz or Moxxie. Unless one of the two do. Especially, the first time with Moxxie. To not push it when they told her to 'piss off'.

No, she is not scared of that little imp! Just caught her off guard that day in the Doctor office. Just didn't want to get shot by some heartbroken, sad bitch, annoyed imp. That it! She wants shit back to the way it was before even if it was annoying.

Well, it was kind of back to normal. Just too quiet.

Okay quiet not today. As Blitz can be heard complaining to Millie.

"But Mill- "

"Give them a chance! Heck, they are going to be staying for a while so can put some work in too."

Blitz rubs their eyes to let out a groan. No, what fuck it! Extra set of brute hands can help out in the long run. "Fine bitch! I'll give them a shot! Only because they a killer just like you and in the same place too."


"What are you all screaming about it there?" Loona yelled back.

"A new worker."

"What? Already? Who?"

Next day.

"Howdy again everyone!" Sallie May grins big as she outside the apartment with Millie, Moxxie.

"Hiya again blood beast number two."

"Blood beast number two?"

"Got awhile to beat your sister record."

"Ha! That'll be so easy!"

"You wish!"

"Is that a challenge sis?"

"You bet it is."

"Hey do the competitive talking in the car! We're going to be late!"

Soon all three of them were in the van. Speed off to work. Blitz, Millie and Sallie did the talking. Loona on her phone. Moxxie just silent.

"Had enough of Wrath?" Blitz asked Sallie in the back.

"Just needed a few months away for a while. So, why not Pride? Who knows I might learn a few things better than sis here."  Sallie points at a huffing Millie.

"Don't tempt me into putting you into a retirement home."

"Then I'll complain to Ma."

"Wait so you're staying with them?" Loona glanced over the seat.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now