End of term time! second period!

Start from the beginning

Kayano: uh it's asano

Maehara: what the hell do you want

Kazuto: tch maybe he wants us too beat him again

Sugino: or maybe his lackeys are too busy to do recon on us

Asano: it pains me that I have too say this but I have a favour to ask of you

Karma: hmm

Kazuto: alright you've peaked out interest

Asano: let me just cut to the chase The principal I need you people to kill him

So to speak I don't mean something like murdering him of course that would be patently absurd I mean kill his philosophy

Kazuto: (drat the world would be a better place without him)

Yada: not sure I understand how exactly

Asano: it's easier than you think all E class has to do is dominate the top spots on the end of term exams it goes without saying I'll be placing highest of courses whether or not I perform as expected makes no different for detritus like you too show up A class however now that's be a slap in the face to his policy

Meg: alright look we all know the relationship between you two isn't really the best but he's your dad you want to take his life's work through the mud  to reject is legacy

Asano: oh on the contrary believe it or not my father actually wants me to take him down that's what I've been groomed to do this'll be the fulfilment of his legacy that's how we are that's what out relationship is built on
Then again if you didn't know the pleasure of being raised by him let me assure you his methods are hell on earth, The only thing supporting A class right now is their hatred of you he's pushing them past their limits if it raises them to victory my fathers methods will be the only thing they trust from here on out we can't let that happen hatred only gets you so far I know this for a fact scorning one's enemies is childish my flunkies need to learn a healthy respect for their foes otherwise their strength will be lopsided and I'll only ever be second in command the thing about defeat is that it gives you new perspective so I'm asking you give the teacher a lesson let them all know what it is too lose

He bows to them

Karma: Ha that's big of you an all but let me tell ya right now I'm actually gonna be the one to take the top spot beh
What I say I said next time we weren't gonna be taking it easy in you prepare to surrender your thrown highness you're going down oh don't worry though you'll look just as good in tenth place
Terasaka: don't oversell it man just try to do better than me
Karma hits him repeatedly

Isogai: we've been working our butts off to win all along just like you guys have when you get right down too it everyones on the same side we're stoked when we win frustrated when we lose no need for nails behind that
That really should be enough don't you think E class will strive to do the best we can that way A class will have an opponent they can be round to face

Kazuto: What we're saying Asano is




Give us everything you've got like you want us dead we'll see who goes down first

Asano: Heh how amusing very well I'll fight with my gloves off too

Kazuto: you better! This is gonna be fun!

Kazuto is studying his butt off with korosensei

And then the day of the great battle was upon them and they see A class glaring at them

Yoshida: yeah not the biggest fan of the look on their eyes

Rio: ignore it you know their just psyching themselves up

Kazuto: She's right all we need to do is take them down! And personally I can't wait!

The exam starts

Kazuto swings around his weapon and takes down Question after Question

Kazuto: Ha THIS IS A BLAST! Thanks Rio for all that tutoring

Kenji finishes off the last question with one final swing

Kazuto: and you've been slain!

Next is social studies

Kazuto fights his hardest and destroys the questions with a rocket launcher

Kazuto then draw his next blade to fight off the beasts of science

Kazuto: this isn't gonna be easy science is my weakest subject but even so RBING IT ON

Kazuto is whipped out after that battle but steels his resolve for the Japanese portion

Kazuto: heh finally a weapon I can work with


He slices stabs one beats in the gut and then charges another and chops it's head right off

Kazuto: I don't care what in front of me I WILL NOT LOSE! I WILL NOT TRIP AT THE FINISH LINE

He says slicing through one more


It's time for maths some kazuto isn't amazing at but he's not bad by any means

He keeps and he goes in guns blazing and destroys every single beast no matter how among shots it takes

Kazuto: I was never great with a gun

But he steels his resolve against The mightiest of beasts Recurrence relations

Kazuto throws his jacket off: this'll be fun

He discarded his gun and instead whips out a crap ton of C4 strapped too him


It blows up the question is gone but the smokes clears and karma has protected him

Karma: come on kazuto you can't go quitting on me

Kazuto: Ha! You're right

The last question appears

Kazuto: So alright then

Karma: what shall we do here

Kazuto: Heh!

Kazuto finishes the last question and slices his pen like a man named light

Kazuto finishes the last question and slices his pen like a man named light

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Kazuto: and that's a wrap

What he said you'll have to find out how it went next time see ya then

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now