I'll Win Even If it Kills Me

Start from the beginning

He shook his head, "Neither do I."

"Of course, she wouldn't with you knowing. She's always been more observant of others but never for herself." The star shooter stated.

Kagami was still confused, "What does this have to do with her and Aomine's friendship?"

Midorima gave a more serious look, "She lied to you, Kuroko and the others. About her encounter with Aomine."

Hearing that made Kagami surprised, Kuroko as well with Takao, "What I'm saying is that, the two were inseparable. Like siblings, even. The more (Y/N) cheered for him, the better Aomine played. Take it like Kuroko and Aomine's bond, except change it to a manager and player being able to help each other out no matter what." Midorima started.

"When they started to distance themselves. Aomine's plays grew more free and aggressive. And (Y/N) stopped being as caring and extroverted as she usually is. Even the rest of the team and I knew something was up between the two. Now do you understand?" The green-haired male asked.

Kagami stood there, taking in the information as he thought of how much you went through after losing Aomine as a friend.

Midorima grew impatient of his silence, "Don't you have an answer?!"

"I'm trying! Geez! But it's all just too much!" Kagami retorted.

"Don't you get it?!" Midorima raised his voice, "The reason why (Y/N) is so serious when it comes to Tōō..."

"...is because she's still trying to get the old Aomine back."

Kagami was shocked, behind the bushes, Takao and Kuroko were seen surprised as well.

"That is why she cannot afford to lose again. If she did...She'd lose all her resolve in trying to reconcile with Aomine. She may say she doesn't want to be friends with him anymore. But it's hard to let go of such deep bonds like theirs." Midorima explained.

"If you lose, then not only you won't get to your goal. But you'll be letting your manager down as well. All her hard work for nothing." Midorima glared at Kagami, wanting him to know that he was not the only one that has something on the line.

"Make sure to not let (Y/N) down. Or else I'll personally chase you myself." Midorima soon started leaving, getting his can of red bean soup before stopping in the bushes where Takao and Kuroko were.

"Takao, let's go." Midorima told the other first-year, "You knew, huh?" Takao chuckled before standing up from his crouched position and walking away with Midorima.

"Don't disappoint me in the Winter Cup," Midorima stated towards Kuroko before entering their side of the quarters.

You quickly hid away to not get seen, 'Shin-kun...I never knew he could say such sensitive things...' You smiled, happy that he truly cared for you.

Once the two were gone, you managed to see and hear Kagami and Kuorko speaking.

Kuroko walked up to Kagami, he noticed the slight shock in Kagami's expression.

"(Y/N)'s been fighting all by herself since the start. I was naive as her friend, thinking she was fine and she'd push it back." Kagami said.

Kuroko only nodded at his words, being as equally determined to beat Aomine for your sake.

"Kuroko..." Kagami started, his face as serious as ever.

"Let's win and wake up that bastard for hurting (Y/N)!"


Those words made you smile, small tears about to spill but you held them in, 'I can't cry now...We haven't won a game at the Winter Cup yet.' You held back your tears and only held them for either winning against the former ace of Teiko or winning all of the Winter Cup.

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