"I can try." Before Suga can protest, Akaashi skates off, taking time to breathe and focus on the moment. On the ice.

His legs are burning so he doesn't try any jumps. He knows better than to push himself like that, they have a competition soon so hurting himself isn't an option. Even if a part of him wants to take that risk. He knows better.

So instead he just skates. Faster and faster around the rink, gliding and feeling the chilled wind hit his face, making his nose cold and breaths get shallower. It doesn't stop him. He does a turn here and there, never leaving the ice, usually just turning so he's skating backward.

He takes a moment as he's moving to just let his momentum guide him, eyes falling shut and mind focusing on the feeling of cold air, the sound of metal and ice, the pound in his chest. It's almost enough to make him forget.


It's another hour later before Suga and Oikawa force him off the ice and onto the bleachers. "I—said—I—was—fine," Akaashi says between pants and Oikawa and Suga give him a look.

"Considering you could barely say that I'm thinking you're not." Akaashi rolls his eyes but accepts the water Oikawa offers him, trying not to chug it so he doesn't feel sick.

"What time is it?" He asks still completely out of breath as he takes sips of water.

"The more you obsess over the time, the slower it will feel," Suga mentions and Akaashi doesn't have the breath to argue. "We know you're worried but you need to be in a more relaxed state if you're going to confront him and figure out what's going on." Akaashi sighs, finally taking some deep breaths. He knows they are right. He hates it, but knows it's true.

He just hates feeling like this. Want's this all to be something small and stupid and be over quickly. He knows that's not the case, Bokuto would have talked to him otherwise.

"I know...I just want this to be over is all." Suga places a gentle hand on Akaashi's shoulder and smiles.

"We know and we will still help distract you." Akaashi nods and gives a small smile.

"We can head back to your house and get dinner and watch a movie or something while we wait for his practice." Akaashi nods and stands up.

"Sounds good." They share a smile before heading to the locker rooms to change and head out.


The dinner and movie were a great idea and really did help the time go by faster. Too fast, Akaashi now thinks as he is anxiously sitting in Bokuto's truck parked outside the gym, debating if he should go in now or wait.

Practice has been over for about 10 minutes and he knows half the team is still there. At this point, he's just putting off the inevitable. He's scared.

But he is also worried so with a deep breath he forces himself out of the car and toward the gym doors that are still mostly open. He can hear the sounds of a volleyball being spiked as he peaks his head into the gym. Right in time to see Bokuto deliver an impressively strong spike to their libero who fails to save it.

He seems perfectly fine. Maybe a little tired but besides that...he doesn't notice anything different at first glance. "Hey Akaashi!" Akaashi looks up as one of Bokuto's teammates walks over with a smile. Akaashi returns it and fully steps into the gym.

"Hi, Konoha. How are you?"

"Pretty good! You here to pick up Bokuto?" Akaashi gives a little nod.

"Yes, but I also wanted to ask you something." Konoha seems a little surprised but keeps his friendly smile.

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