Chapter 31

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"So, am I allowed to ask questions or..." Suga says, looking at Iwaizumi who clicks his tongue. Oikawa is outside on the phone which leaves Suga the perfect opportunity to get some clarity.

"You can try but he never gives us shit." Iwaizumi rolls his eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says again and now it's Sugas turn to roll his eyes.

"You know that sentence is like a dead giveaway that you do know. I mean at least actually try to act confused if you're going to brush it off." Mattsun and Makki snicker.

"Look you can ask but it's very likely I won't have an answer for any of them." Suga hums and thinks before an idea pops into his head.

"Ok, do you like Oikawa?" Makki snorts at the forwardness while Iwaizumi pauses for a minute to think.

"" He says slowly and Suga laughs a little.

"You seem so sure of that answer." Iwaizumi sighs, glancing back at Oikawa who is thankfully still outside on the phone.

"Look I don't know what you want from me."

"I want you to be honest and real with yourself Iwaizumi." He looks at Suga with a surprisingly valuable expression. "I'm sure you're aware of what we all think and don't think but in the end none of that matters. It doesn't matter what we say or think what matters is what you decide for yourself. No outside influence, just be real and honest with yourself. Ignore what everyone around you says or does and reflect on what you feel and want. And even though they tease you if you need to talk things out I have no doubt Makki and Mattsun would be more than willing to listen."

"Of course. And Suga is right. Even though we tease you it doesn't mean much when it comes down to it. That's up for you to decide." Iwaizumi nods slowly as Oikawa finally comes back inside, not looking upset or worried which is a good sign.

"Hey sorry about that." He says cheerfully and takes his seat.

"Is everything okay? You seemed like...serious when you left." Oikawa shoots Suga a reassuring smile.

"Yeah sorry, that was just my mom saying she was going to be out tonight. You know her, she never sends clear texts so I never know what to expect." Suga laughs a little.

"Well good, I was worried for a second."

"Now now don't be worried. Today is about helping you relax and forget about him. Speaking of which, we were going to head down to that anime store if you guys wanna come. Since clearly, you missed me so much." He sends Iwaizumi a sly smile being met by the middle finger.

"Yeah totally! As long as you guys will have us we'd be happy too!"

They all gather their things and head out onto the streets again. Makki and Mattsun grab both of Suga's hands and the three of them take the lead. Laughing and joking, taking the whole distraction thing seriously this time. Oikawa and Iwaizumi fall to the back of the group, talking a little bit but Suga is far too preoccupied to focus on that. He lets the two boys lead him to the store excitedly where they will probably spend all their money (totally not based on personal experience 🥲).

The store isn't too crowded which is a little surprising considering it's the weekend but it's a lot better this way. Suga, Makki, and Mattsun all stay together, purposely giving Oikawa and Iwaizumi space since sure, this day may have been focused on Suga but he's not going to just stop helping his best friend get with his crush. Honestly, it's fun to watch Oikawa and Iwaizumi from the other side of the store, gossiping about what they were doing while also making fun of what they could be talking about.

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