Chapter 12

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It's been about a week since Oikawa had his encounter with Iwaizumi at the gym. Things have fallen into a steady routine. Practice is still hell. Though as long as they are near Tanaka and Yamamoto the hockey players won't try anything. It's when they're alone that it's a worrisome problem.

Asahi is back at practice which gives some balance between the two groups. Not much but some. He and Noya are also now secretly dating. Well, it's a secret to the hockey players. God knows what would happen if they knew one of their own was gay and dating a figure skater. It might be fine since they at least like and respect Noya. Still, it's not worth the risk.

It's lunch now. The group is sitting outside like always, relaxing in the sun. Oikawa and Akaashi are eating and chatting lightly while Bokuto took a quick nap and Suga was completely sucked into his phone, texting god knows who.

"But seriously Kawa you are getting in way too deep."

"Am not." He mumbled.

"Tell me this then, do you like him?" Oikawa sighed and looked at Akaashi who was giving him a worried look.

"He's nice ok I don't-"

"Oh my god really? Suga, are you hearing this?!" They both turn to Suga who is still tapping away on his phone. "Suga!"

"What!? Geez, calm down for one second." Akaashi rolled his eyes.

"Who are you even texting?"

"I dunno. Some guy I met in the halls. I think he's a second year."

"Please be careful this time." Suga sighed and put his phone down.

"Relax I'm not dumb ok. I won't make another stupid mistake like last time. Kay?"

"Sure...let Bokuto and I take you though. It's not safe to ride the bus in the middle of the night."

"Fine..." Suga glanced over at Bokuto who was sound asleep, head resting on Akaashi's lap while Akaashi lightly played with his hair. "Speaking of which, have you talked to him yet, about ya know..." Akaashi sighed and looked down at his sleeping boyfriend.

"No not yet, I haven't really found a good... moment I guess. I will soon though."

"Mmmk Don't push yourself okay." Akaashi nodded and focused back on playing with the white and gray strands. He knew his constant playing with his hair would probably wear at the hair gel but he didn't care. He can deal with Bokuto's complaining later.


"Nice one Oikawa!" Oikawa landed perfectly on the ice, one leg extended out as he glided backward. He brought his foot back down and spun out before skidding to a stop. He gets a small applause from his friends and Iwaizumi who was watching today's practice for some reason. He claims it's because he wasn't hungry when his team went to go get food before practice. But Oikawa thinks it's something more than that.

"You really are an amazing skater." Iwaizumi said sweetly as Oikawa stopped at the edge of the rink where Iwa was stationed. "At least when you're not falling on your ass." Oikawa frowned.

"Can you just compliment me or does it have to be followed by an insult?" Iwaizumi fake thinks for a moment before smirking.

"Nah it's gotta be followed by an insult. Take what you can get Shittykawa." Oikawa flipped him off which made Iwaizumi laugh.

"Well fuck you too."

"Maybe one day I'll let you." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Do you flirt with everyone or is it just towards me?"

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