Chapter 35

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Since I've been gone so long here's a little summary of where we are at:

Daichi just visited and left after kissing Suga. They never got a chance to talk about it.

Oikawa learned from Makki and Mattsun that after they parted he hit up a girl and they are currently out together.



"Alright Oikawa out with it," Akaashi said when the boy collapsed on the couch.

They had gotten to Akaashis about a half hour ago, questioning Suga and how things went with Daichi considering he kissed him right before he left. Oikawa was very quiet throughout the whole thing which led to Akaashi's question after Oikawa had grabbed them drinks and snacks with Bokuto.

"Out with what?" He asks while Bokuto takes a seat behind Akaashi. He and Akaashi were lounging on one side of the L-shaped couch with Suga and Oikawa relaxed on the other side.

"Don't play dumb," Suga says while in the middle of checking his phone for the hundredth time, waiting for Daichi to say he's home. "You've been instantly quiet since we met back up, something is up." Oikawa clicks his tongue, eyes averting down to the soda in his hand.

He doesn't respond, just thinks I'm it for a moment before sighing and taking out his phone. He opens to the conversation with him, Mattsun, and Makki and throws it to Akaashi. Suga walks over to read over his shoulder while Oikawa just waits there anxiously. He doesn't know what they might say. It could easily be a handful of I told you so's or they may be kind about it. If they see he's actually upset about it they would be comforting, even if Oikawa refuses to admit he's hurt.

Akaashi lets out a long sigh when they are done reading, Suga returning his phone as he sits back down.

"Look, I know what you're going to say." Akaashi gives him a kind smile.

"Honestly there's a lot I could say with this but I promise it's not whatever you're thinking."

"Yeah I mean look Oikawa I could tell you what I'm thinking but I don't know if it will be helpful." Oikawa raises his eyebrows at Suga.

"I don't care if it's helpful or not." Suga shrugs.

"I think he freaked out and is trying to convince himself he still likes girls." Akaashi snorts.

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"I really need to meet this guy. For a lot of reasons." Akaashi laughs a little.

"You'll have a chance soon but yeah I mean Oikawa we don't mean to give you false hope or anything, but it just seems way too random to be anything else." Oikawa slumps into the couch.

"Sorry, Kawa but who knows, maybe it will all work out in the end." Oikawa sighs in defeat when Sugas phone buzzes on the coffee table. Suga's eyes widen and he quickly grabs it, making Akaashi laugh and Oikawa roll his eyes.

"Jesus Christ Suga," Oikawa mutters but Suga doesn't hear him or if he does he doesn't acknowledge it. Just opens his phone and smiles.

"He home?" Akaashi asks and Suga looks up, clearly ecstatic.


"Mmhmm...sure. So, you going home?" Suga bites his lip and glances at Oikawa who just sighs.

"You can go Suga, I'm fine." Suga frowns.

"Don't bullshit me, okay I'm not going to leave if you need me. You're my friend, I'm not going to leave you for some guy." Oikawa smiles sweetly.

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