Chapter 13

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Contains 13+ Topics like this entire book but I figured Id try to warn you each chapter 😘


Hey how was the quiz?


I 100% failed!!!


Oh come on

I doubt you did that bad

Wrong I totally failed

but if it makes you feel better I would have done worse without you

Maybe you should get an actual tutor

But then I don't have an excuse to talk to you


You don't need an excuse moron

Awwww 🥰🥰

Also tutors coast money

You teach me for free

Maybe I shouldn't

hey! Dont be rude

Admit it you love tutoring me

And I pay you in happiness!

I lose brain cells talking to you


You're so mean today

Lol 😂

Fine fine I really think your exaggerating

Well find out tomorrow when I get my results

I have faith in you

At least one of us does

Anyway how's your day been?

Ehh pretty good. My friends have
been annoying though😑

I think I just attract annoying
people at this point


Aww come on


Hows your day been besides
the quiz

Pretty good actually

We're adopting a dog today

Oh shit no way that awesome!

Haha yeah

Im pretty excited

It took me and my siblings a lot of pestering to convince my mom we could take care of it

But she finally caved!

Sounds very exciting

How many siblings do you have?

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