Chapter 4

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"So... how is school going?" His father's tone was calm and demanding. A notebook and newspaper sat to his right on the table while a clear glass filled half with scotch and ice, sat loosely in his hand, a water ring forming on the coaster he had below it.

"Fine," Oikawa said casually, elbow pressed against the wood, palm holding up his chin as he drew circles on the table with his free hand.

"Fine?" His father spoke, displeased with the vague answer.

"G-ood. I mean good sir." Oikawa could feel his composure slipping as his father stared daggers into his forehead. Oikawa's eyes remained fixated on his finger as it moved along the patterned rings of their dining table.

"Hmmm good you say. Look at me boy." Oikawa gulped and looked up, his father's dark eyes looking colder than usual. "Because according to your have a 78% in Math and a 79% in English. Does that sound good to you?"

"Yes. They are both high B's. I don't see the problem."

"We do not accept B's in this house Tōru!" His father snaps, banging his fist on the table to get his attention, causing Oikawa too flinch. "You would have straight A's if it wasn't for that gay girly shit you do after school."

"It's not-"

"Do NOT! Talk back to me." He flinches again and shuts his mouth, resuming staring at the table. "Get these grades up in the next month or I am banning skating."

"What! Father, you can't be serious." Oikawa rises from his seat, hands placed firmly on the table, voice rising in volume.

"Don't talk to me that way! You will do as I say I am your father! Tomorrow straight home from school to study! Now go to your room!"


"Now!" His glare is sharp, cutting through to Oikawa's heart, making it hurt and shake. He gulps and quickly rushes to his bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind him before sinking to the floor, breaths coming in short.

What now?


The sun beamed down on the school, warming the air around them as Bokuto and Akaashi sat together sweetly. Akaashi leaning against Bokuto's chest, letting the sun warm his skin as Bokuto massages his sore shoulder. Akaashi hums quietly, eyes closed, his body relaxed.

Their moment is soon interrupted by footsteps approaching them. Akaashi sighs and opens his eyes, seeing Oikawa approaching, giving them the finger as he sits down. "Well good afternoon to you too," Akaashi says with a small glare before making note of the missing voice. "Where's Suga?"

"I dunno, I thought he was already here." The two look around the school grounds, seeing if they can spot their silver-haired friend.

"Did he say anything before he left?" Bokuto asks, moving his hands from his boyfriend's shoulders to retrieve treats from his bag. Today it's popsicles.

"I dunno, said he had a thing." He says before freezing, brain clicking into place. Akaashi sighs while Oikawa groans, the two standing up. Bokuto's eyes follow them, confused.


"Ugh not this again. We'll be right back. You better save us some!" Oikawa calls as he and Akaashi walk quickly down the path that leads to the gym. Akaashi waves sweetly before taking off in a jog, Oikawa joining in seconds. Bokuto sighs and smiles lightly, thinking about how in love he is as he starts snacking on a popsicle.

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