Chapter 25

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He felt like shit.

That was really the only word that could describe this feeling. Whether it was his physical feeling or how he felt about himself. Shit was the best word to use.

He was gripping the sink, staring at himself in the mirror while water droplets fell from his freshly washed hair and his clothes sagged on his shoulders. God he wanted to cry.

By the time he got outside, he didn't even have the energy or strength to get himself home. So, he let himself slide to the floor, leaning against the side of the building, hugging his knees, and burying his face in his knees.

He felt gross and nauseous. In all honesty, he already threw up in the hotel bathroom. He was disgusted with himself. He hadn't felt this way in years. Not sense-

"Hey, Suga?" He snapped his head up, coming face to face with Akaashi giving him a sympathetic smile, crouching in front of him.

"Kaashi?" He looked up and saw Oikawa standing behind him, not really wearing an expression. "What are you did you know I would..."

"Come on, we'll talk in the car." He helped him to his feet and the three walked back to Bokuto's car, all climbing into the backseat. They stayed quiet for the beginning of the ride, Oikawa's hand on Suga's thigh while Akaashi had his arms over his shoulders, playing with his hair while Suga rested his head against his.

"So, how'd you know?" He had his eyes closed, voice barely above a whisper.

"We saw that you have been ignoring Daichi. I was worried so stayed up just in case." Suga nodded slowly. "Are you hurt at all?" Suga shook his head, clearly not really wanting to talk so that was the end of it. The rest of the drive was silent, Akaashi and Oikawa comforting him with physical touch, which seemed to be just what Suga needed. Familiar contact.


They went back to Akaashi's so as to not wake or bother Suga's parents. Besides, his house was closer and it was clear that Suga really just wanted to get some sleep. They went inside, heading into the living room where the stairs were that led to the upper level. Oikawa was oddly quiet as they went inside. He had been quiet ever since they headed to pick up Suga.

"Thank you, for coming to get me."

"Yeah, of course." Akaashi rubbed Suga's back sweetly, looking at Oikawa who stopped in the middle of the living room.

"Kawa? Are you okay?" Suga asked quietly.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Oikawa's voice was harsh as he turned to look at Suga who gulped.

"Tōru, don't do this now."

"No Keiji, I'm doing this now. It is long overdue." Akaashi frowned. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is? To go meet guys at random ass hotels. Anything could happen to you!"

"I told you I'm careful."

"No, you're not careful you're lucky, Kōshi. It is sheer luck that nothing bad has happened to you yet. What would have happened if we hadn't shown up! Were you just going to shit there until some creepy old guy came and-"

"Why are you doing this now? You haven't said anything over the past year and a half!"

"Yeah because I understood okay. I knew why you were doing it and we have been nothing but supportive of you, no matter how worried we were that something was going to happen, but you clearly showed that you don't need to do this shit anymore!"

"Don't tell me what I need Tōru. You have no idea what I need okay."

"You're right and I know I will never be able to fully understand the shit you went through, but I know for a fact that meeting Daichi has been the best thing to happen to you in a long ass time."

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