Chapter 2

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"Are you gay?"

The boy says loudly, wincing as the words leave his mouth. Brain regretting his choice.

Oikawa chuckles looking at the boy with a smirk. "Why, interested?" The boy reddens and scratches the back of his neck.

"Ahh sorry that's not what I... mean. I just meant figure skate."

"Yes..." Oikawa begins gliding around a small area as the boy speaks.

"Well just. Since you figure skate I assumed you were gay since its like girly and stuff. Things gay people do." Oikawa hums, eyeing the boy, taking in his persona.

"That's pretty insulting." He says calmly, seeing the boy's eyes follow his every movement, face still slightly red with embarrassment. "Lucky for you I actually am gay so I'll let it slide, but...I will say my straight friends would be very offended right now." The boy sighs. "May have beaten you up." He teases.

"Sorry..." Oikawa simply smiles coyly, studying him while moving his body in circles.

"You knew here?"

"Ahh not exactly. I umm got injured so I had to take a break for a few months." Oikawa nods casually, eyeing the stick and puck.

"'re a hockey player."

"Hmm oh yeah. Sorry, today's the first day I'm allowed back so I wanted to get an early start."

"12 am is pretty early. You seem committed." He shrugs.

"You could say that." Oikawa giggles and skates over to the boy, skidding to a stop in front of him.

"Well, I'm Oikawa Tōru." He sticks out his hand which the boy takes instantly.

"Iwaizumi Hajime." Oikawa smiles at the name as his hand drops to his side. "And sorry about assuming. I shouldn't have done that." Oikawa's eyes widen as the boy scratches the back of his neck.

"I think that's the first time I've heard a hockey player say sorry so much." Iwaizumi looks down.

"Ahh well..."

"Anyway, I'll leave you the rink." Oikawa steps off the ice. "See you around Iwa~chan." He slips his covers on and walks back to his bag which was placed relatively far from the ice.

"Uh...Right..." Iwaizumi's gaze follows the boy before he shakes his head and slides onto the ice, skating out with his stick and puck. Oikawa watches as he begins to practice, his hands slowly untying his skates. Iwaizumi Hajime huh. He sure seems interesting.



"Oh my god, you are so loud Suga." Akaashi mentions as Suga covers his mouth. Oikawa chuckles.

"Now who's the dramatic one?"

"Oh hush that was a reasonable reaction." Oikawa rolls his eyes.

"Hey, I heard Suga scream. Everything ok?" Bokuto plops down behind Akaashi, passing out the drink he retrieved as his boyfriend leans back into his chest.

"I ran into a hockey player last night at the rink and Suga overreacted."

"Ok I did not overreact. Those guys are assholes. I'm surprised he didn't beat you up."

"I literally didn't even tell you the story and you screamed." Suga rolls his eyes.

"Fine fine, do tell us. Also which one was it."

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