Chapter 3

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⚠️Disclaimer⚠️ Contains some Homophobic language


"Well well well, look it's the rest of the slutty gay dancers. What, run out of jobs at the strip club?"

The group chuckles obnoxiously and Suga scoffs. Oikawa glances from boy to boy, not seeing the one he met last night, before sending them a smirk. "Awww you think I'm pretty enough to work at a strip club? How sweet." Suga and Akaashi snicker, trying to hide the laugh as the captain glares.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you." He spits out but Oikawa's facade stays the same as the boy, who's slightly under 6 foot, comes over, appearing taller due to the skates.

"That's physically impossible, how am I expected to do that." A few skaters behind him chuckle before being elbowed by someone else. The captain grits his teeth.

"Don't act all smart with me." The boy says while taking a step forward. Oikawa puts an arm out, making sure to keep a distance between them.

"Listen up Takeshi, I am really not in the mood to deal with your stupidity. So, it's our turn for the rink and I suggest that you let us through, unless you want to go back to the board which I'm sure none of us want. Now back. Off." The boy scoffs but turns and walks towards their locker room, leading the rest of the team, each sending the boy's disgusted looks. Oikawa turns and catches Iwaizumi's gaze. He sends him a smile and flirtatious wave. Iwaizumi waves back slightly before getting dragged off by a teammate, the boy flipping off the group.

Suga rolls his eyes and steps onto the ice. "Some guy you got there." He mocks before heading out and onto the slick surface. Oikawa sighs, ignoring his comment before joining them on the ice, heading over to the opposite side where their friends are waiting.

"Hey guys! What were you talking to the hockey team about?"

"Oh don't worry Hinata It was just some..." Oikawa glances from Suga to Akaashi who seem annoyed but not to bother with their words, "Friendly chit chat." Hinata shrugs, not aware of the tension between them and the Hockey players since he only just started and can pass as a girl sometimes. He has a feminine body and hangs out with a group of girls at school so some people who haven't met him mistake him for a girl. Him, along with their other teammate Kenma. The hockey team will get to them soon though.

"Alright sorry that took so long. You guys ready?" Their coach Kiyoko comes over to them, standing on the other side of the short wall. "I'll be giving you your routines soon so please let me know when you want to meet up so I can book the dance studio." We all nod as she looks over some papers. "Ok then Oikawa and Sugawara, you two need to work on your triple and quadruple salchow." Oikawa groans while beginning to stretch out his legs. "Then Kageyama and Hinata. I want you two to work on that lift we've been practicing. You guys are so close." Hinata grins up at Kageyama who rolls his eyes.

"See I told you we were doing well."

"Whatever..." He mumbles, ignoring the energetic redhead next to him.

"Alright and then Akaashi, you got the triple Lutz last week. I want you to practice that and help out Kenma who is still struggling." Akaashi and Kenma look at each other before nodding. "Lastly, Yamamoto, Tanaka, and Ennoshita, I want you three to work on the double Axel. Help them out Ennoshita will you?"

"Yeah, sure thing."

"Alright great. I'll be working on each of your routines while you guys practice. I'll also be watching your form and technique and will correct you if you need it. Don't forget to text me about times you want on the group chat and please pick your music by the end of next month." They all nod and thank her before skating off to different sides of the rink, beginning their long awaited practice.

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