Chapter 11

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He wasn't sure how they ended up like this. Iwa's hands on his hips, running up his body and across his arms.

"Ok, it's pretty simple." He said as he positioned Oikawa in front of the boxing bag.

"I just hit it. Right?" Iwaizumi laughs as he finishes wrapping one of Oikawa's hands with his white hand wrap.

"Yes basically." He finishes the wrap and then goes and stands behind the bag. "Hit it." Iwaizumi holds the bag still as Oikawa swings his fist hard at it. The punch had enough power to make a small sound that echoed in the empty gym. "You know that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For a figure skater at least."

"I told you before, just because I'm a figure skater doesn't mean I'm weak and pathetic." Oikawa hits the bag again, harder, smirking at the fact that Iwaizumi staggers backward slightly.

"Sorry alright, yes you're strong." Oikawa takes some more hits, not finding much interest in it though.

"How come you're here anyway at this hour?" Oikawa stops punching and glances at his fists which are wrapped in the white cloth.

"I needed to blow off some steam. And I was grounded all day so I needed to wait for my dad and step-mom to fall asleep."


"Yeah, I also have a step-brother but he's in college so I don't actually know him." Oikawa hits the bag a few more times before giving up.

"Why do you like this? It hurts." Oikawa steps out of the ring and takes a seat on the bench. Iwa follows close behind and sits next to him, taking a hand into his own so he can take the wrap off.

"I dunno. I mean it doesn't really hurt me. I've been doing this a while. Besides I dunno, it's just a good way to take out my anger in a healthy way I guess."

"How long have you been boxing?"

"4 years maybe? I wasn't really into it until I was banned from hockey these past few months."

"Speaking of that, you still haven't told me why you had to sign a form." Iwaizumi chuckles as he finishes taking off the cloth. He packs them in his bag and turns back to Oikawa who looks at him expectantly. "You said you'd tell me." Iwaizumi sighs.

"Alright fine, but let's get out of here first." Oikawa agrees and the two head out, Iwaizumi locking up the gym first before they start walking down the mall.

"Sooooo, what happened?"

"Got into a fight..." Iwaizumi says lightly while looking up at the moon. "During one of my games. He was playing dirty. Badmouthing all of us. He was pissing us all off but I dunno, I lost my temper. I don't remember exactly what he said that set me off but it did the trick. I went loose, beat the crap out of him. He got a bunch of hits on me too, fucked up my knee but I went way harder on him. Sent him to the hospital even. He's fine now but I was almost banned from the team. The only reason I wasn't was because he almost broke my fucking knee." He sighs as Oikawa listens carefully, wearing a calm expression even though the story is kinda intimidating.

"So, the form was..."

"Was an agreement with the rink. A liability form. If I mess up again I'll be banned. I mean yesterday almost did it but they gave me one last chance." Iwaizumi laughs lightly at himself. "My therapist is the one who got me back into boxing. As a way to control my anger and not take it out on others."

"You have a therapist?"

"Yeah, why? Think it's weird? Pathetic?"

"No, I think it's a good idea based on what you told me. Why would it be pathetic?"

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