Let's Get Started

Start from the beginning

"Just thinking about it..." Koganei flinched before throwing up in his mouth electing Tsuchida to get worried about him, "Koga!"

The other first years, except Kuroko shook in fear, "We might die!"


The males were seen in a cooking classroom to taste Riko's cooking. You were there to take care of Number 2, sitting near the window, watching from afar.

'They're all so tense...They must've probably thought about the worst already...' You gave a sweat drop at the males before mentally praying for them.

Riko was seen cutting up some ingredients for the males to taste test her food so she could cook it for their training camps.

"A tasting?" Furihata asked.

"We can't just tell her to practice because she sucks..." Hyuga muttered.

"By the way, can you guys cook?" Fukuda asked.

"A little," Izuki responded.

"Pretty much anything," Koganei replied.

"Nope!" Hyuga interjected.

"Mitobe's probably the best. What about you, Kuroko?" Izuki asked the blue-haired male.

"No one makes a meaner boiled egg than me," Kuroko responded.

"Really? I didn't know that, Tetsu-kun." You said, sitting near him and Kagami.

"It's ready! Curry!" Riko smiled.

When the plates were served, the group was shocked to see some vegetables not even cut in the curry.


"Those are whole vegetables!"

"What was that tapping sound?"

"What was that?!"

Riko still smiled eagerly, "Ignore what it looks like. It should taste fine! It'd just cure, anyway!"

"Okay, then..." Hyuga started the others falling suit.

"Thanks for the food." When taking a bite the group all recoiled in disgust and bitterness. Except for Kuroko of course

"It's so bad!"

Tsuchida was munching on the food, 'The rice is soft like porridge...!' He thought.

Koganei as well, 'These crisp uncool vegetables are like a salad! And the meat is raw!'

Izuki was next to think about the food, 'And the sauce is mysteriously bitter and sour!'

'This is a massacre of flavour!' Hyuga looked like he was going into anaphylactic shock.

"Let me know if you want more." Riko smiled at the group, stirring a pot.

'She made a whole pot of it!'

"They're not gonna die, right...?" You mumbled, seeing the group eat the food cautiously.

"It wasn't very good, was it?" Riko mumbled, her gaze saddened knowing she was not the best at cooking.

Hyuga noticed the amount of bandages covering her fingers from how many times she'd cut herself. Without hesitation he started to eat the curry, Riko was shocked, to say the least.

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