"Thank you, you look great too." I said locking eyes with him, he was very handsome.

"Should we go?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as he escort me towards his car. I hear him mumbling something as he walked behind me, I figured it was something about my appearance so I kind of smiled to myself. He helped me into the vehicle before he got in on his side and we drove off.

After driving for about ten minutes we pulled up to a restaurant, the sign on the front of it read "Mi Corazón", I became intrigued, I'd never heard or been to this place before so I was excited to see what it looked like on the inside.

"Hope you like this restaurant, the food here is excelentè." Fernando voice draw me from my thoughts.

"Good because there's no doubt I never dined here before." I said as we made our way to the door. He grabbed the door handle, opening it, letting me step inside. We walked to the front desk, and while he conversed with the lady at the podium, I took a look around and was quick to notice the ambiance of the restaurant was very dark and moody yet lively, it seemed suitable for a date.

"Right this way, please." The hostess said before escorting us to where we'd be seating. Which was a booth and I couldn't help but notice we were seated in a stunning yet private more intimate part of the restaurant.

"I hope you enjoy your dinner tonight." the hostess, said before leaving us. Nando assisted me all the way into the booth so that I could sit on one side, and he sat on the other.

On the table menus were already placed so I thought I would scan throught it and get an idea of what I would want, but not five minutes after we were seated a waiter approach our table.

"Hola my name is Elijah, Welcome to Corazón, May I start you off with something to drink and/ or appetizers?"

"Jazmin, do you prefer red or white wine?" Fernando asked, and I got goosebumps hearing my name roll off his tongue.

"I'm not picky." I said, while adjusting myself in my seat.

"Okay let's do a bottle 2005 Boulay Sancerre and bread for the table." He ordered and the waiter nodded.

"Would you like any appetizers?"

Nando didn't speak but looked over at me for an answer.

"No, thank you." I declined, my stomach was feeling a little queasy, so it was better if I waited for dinner.

He nodded.

"I'll be right back with those and whenever your ready I'll take your orders." the waiter smiled at us before walking away.

"So, what's good here?" I said, being the first to speak.

"Everything." He answered.

"I'll take your word for it and since your so sure about yourself, how about you order for the both of us?" I suggested.

"Really?" He said, amused.

"Yeah, you seem to be good at surprises." I said, placing my hands in my lap.

He didn't say much else but smirked and when the waiter returned he ordered in spanish , I raised my eyebrows because I didn't expect that. I watched anxiously as the waiter held on to his every word, until he stopped talking.

"Will that be all senor?"

"Sí." he said and with that the waiter walked off.

"What did you order?!"  I asked, my curiousity getting the best of me.

"It's a surprise."

"Uhuh, I see what you did there." I shook my head, as he easily made me regret my own words.

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