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The Lights were flashing, and everyone held there breath..

You came out of ths car, holding both Taehyung's and Jungkook's hands, smiling at the crowd..

The Same smile, you hate on his face, but you wear it on your face 24\7 .


The crowd started cheering and the cameras flashed again and again , making you want to turn away and run, but what to do.

You have accepted the challenge.

You walked inside, as the crowd almost burst on you with questions.

"The Mysterious fiance..who are you..??" One of the reporter jumped in, and was unstoppable by the guards.

"She is Our Sister..Choi Izumi..Go and find out yourself.." Taehyung proudly introduced, as Jungkook nodded, and then the three of you walked inside.

The Hall was more shining and glamourous than the glass lights of the Cameras.

The whole room looked like decorated in Gold and Diamonds.

Everyone present there, held high statuses , and just from a distance you can recognise them.

Even their clothes were of brands, who don't channel themselves on Television..

Worst, you have entered this world now.

The Red Dress of yours, slid in the Hallways, as you were walked towards the Hak Family.

The People stared at you, eyed you from top to bottom, trying to recognise you and your family.

Some Ladies from High Class, even tried to use their domineering gaze on you.

Of course they would, who are you getting engaged with.

The Man of their dreams.

You rolled your eyes at them, as you chuckled inside your heart.

The Man in their dream is just a facade, and is never wanted by you.

Suddenly your eyes went down to the ring on your finger, and a smile appeared on your face.

Maybe, you know who you want.

You snapped as a hand was wrapped around your Waist.

"Izumi..Welcome to our engagement.." He smiled as you sighed.

"Congratulations Do Yun, on your fake engagement ." You too smiled at him.

He was about to say something when his eyes landed on the ring .

"Why isn't your ring finger empty..??" He asked, taking yours hand and you took back it in  an instant.

"I am sorry, but it got stuck..I had to wear it.."

"Then let me help you..I will find something to tak-"

"NO.." You stepped away from him, "I..uh..don't want to take it out..Let's just do the engagement with other finger or other hand..No one would notice..and who cares..It's fake already.." You said and he nodded.

He too doesn't care.

What's more important is that the play which you and him are acting should be successful.

Soon, the Hall was bought to silence as the Mic was given to Seo-Hyuk and Kyong.

"Welcome everyone..To the Engagement party of this Two Families.." Kyong announced, as claps were heard

Even the claps of High Class people are so sophisticated.

Jimin's clap sounded the highest as you glared at him.

"My Niece, Choi Izumi, have taken a liking for His Boy, Hak Do Yun, and the two families have approved of their love and are granting them blessings.." Seo-Hyuk said, as Do Yun and You, looked at him wide eyes.

A Big, white lie.

"Just how can he do it..?" You shook your head.

"He is a businessmen.." Do Yun said.

"So all businessmen lie..?? " You raised a brow, as he turned his head to look at you.

"Why do you always catch the opposite point.."

"You always want to trap me with your talks..Have I Said anything.." You smiled, raising your glass at him and he chuckled.

"Can never win against you.." He smiled.

"I would never date a businessman. ." You mumbled, as he looked at you, raising brow..

"What's wrong with them..?"

"Nothing..I just don't have a habit towards them"

"You should try.." He touched your glass with his, making a clink sound.

"No..no need. .I already have someone in my mind.."

"Oh..So My Fiance is cheating me.."

"There's a clause in our contract, that we can date whosoever we love..Even if we are faking our engagement..."

"You remember it.."

"Sorry Mr.Do Yun, but I am the MD of Hak Companies, who was passed by the interview, herself, not only by the CEO ordering them to.."

"You knew..?"

"Of course..It doesn't matter though..Because I already took my anger out.."


"On that Auntie."

Dk Yun chuckled, filling up your glass, "You surely know how to take revenge..".

" I haven't even started yet Mr. CEO, if you want to know..you have to wait.."

"And how will I get that chance..??"

"Soon enough..I know  after being the Fiance of Super Wanted CEO of this generation, is could be facing many dramas.."


"NOW WE CALL THE STAR OF TODAY..HAK DO YUN, AND CHOI IZUMI .." Seo-Hyuk and Kyong announced together,  as you stood up, holding Do Yun's hand.

The rings were bought, and after exchanging the rings, The Ceremony was officially started.

Though the first dance has to be done by you and Do Yun, the special temper of both of you didn't allowed it.

It was that Do Yun doesn't want to have his first dance with someone he have fake engaged.

And your reason was that you don't want to dance with him.

You haven't danced since your Father was gone, and you don't want to yet.

Suddenly, your head started to ring inside, as you clench closed your eyes.

"Come here.."

The voice echoed in your head as you stood up.

"What happened..??" Jimin asked, holding your hand.

"Uh..I just want to use the washroom..I will be right back.." You walked in between of that crowd, towards your mind said.

You were standing on a cross path, one leading towards Washroom, while the other towards the terrace.

You frowned, as you felt an urge to step up, and you did.

The stairs were dark, as nothing could be see upwards.

After what you guessed, two floor above, lights could be seen from the terrace.

Your eyes widened as what you saw above.

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