"We live in the same apartment!"

"Separate rooms."

"Oh my gosh Pa I'm not a tot and not some virgin damsel in distress!"

"He is not staying in your room. Or Sallies."

"Don't you treat me like a teenage brat either!"

"I was going to sleep in the couch."

All the look Moxxie directions.

"What? No, Moxxie you're not sleeping the couch!"

Moxxie shrugged. "I don't mind."

"There see no problem or complaints!"

He was telling the truth for his reason. Along with other little things. The no sleep issue. Plus, maybe avoiding someone else at the moment. Could also sneak into the barn if he must.

Dinner time arrived.

Talk, chattering and jokes all around the dinner table. It was all them along with Millie, Sallie other siblings joining them. Everyone just enjoying a good time. Eating their food, exchanging stories of fights and kills, about the pain games, and loud jokes around.

Moxxie barely touched his food as he poked around it. Barely anyone acknowledged him. He was very fine with that. Would prefer all that thank you very much. But nope can still feel a pair of eyes glancing over him. He just ignored it. He knows it was Striker. But it doesn't matter right now. Why should he? Not like he waited over the damn phone for some kind of call. Grip the fork slightly as he hears him chatter with everyone around. He always knew how to talk to everyone around. Even with that smug tone of his.

Did find it a little weird how nice he was being around. Not crazy nice. Just usually a bit of a bite to his talk. Sure, the smugness was still there. Yet, not right either.

Then again, many years passed so there are bound to be some changes.

He didn't feel hungry anymore and just wanted to leave. But push through. Finally, it was over. Goes to helped clean up a bit. Then it was with Millie as she handed him a blanket.

"You really don't have to do this Mox." Millie looked at him.

"It's fine Mil-Mil. Less complaining from your folks."

"It's not fair. I really do wish they give you a chance."

"I'll be fine. Besides I don't mind. I'm going to go set up, go outside for a bit and then rest. Night Mil-Mil."

"Alright Mox." Millie watches him walk towards the stairs and sighs. She wishes at least Blitz would say something. Like offer Moxxie to stay with him. But he been very distracted today. Or if her folks asked Striker to stay elsewhere tonight. Even if he was a helping hand. She glances at the room Striker stays in that was closed.

Moxxie watches Bombproof eat a carcass in his stall across from his. The small imp laying against the hay bales. His backpack was close to him since he didn't want anyone to look inside. The blanket they left back on the couch. "You really have gotten big."

Loud neigh as he let out a burp. Fire is coming out of his muzzle.

Let out a small snort. "Excuse your lordship."

Hooves clamp the ground as smoke rises. A happy neigh and went back to eating.

The weapon assassin let Bombproof continue eating as he looked up at the barn. A typical stable and mixed as a barn. The other animals in the other barn either eat outside or do their own thing. Glance around and see a ladder leading to a loft. Stands up to go over to the ladder. It takes a few minutes to see what is up. Probably nothing much material and hay.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now