"Anyway! How would you and Mils like to visit the Wrath Ring for harvest bullshit this year?"

"The Harvest Moon Festival!"

Moxxie glance to see Millie jump out of her room. Still in her PJ but didn't care.


"Well, it would be nice to see it again." See that pretty blood moon. Maybe can slip away to see Madrea. Then a thought crossed. "Wait? Where are you calling from?"


Moxxie and Millie turn to see Blitz at the window across from them. He waves and smiles happily. Tail wagging back, forth. Then they heard another sound from his phone along with outside.






Blitz screamed as he was being attacked by rats. They weren't happy from being woken up and don't like this imp.


Moxxie sighs as he hands Millie her daggers. She rushes towards the window to save their foolish boss.

One rescue later and talked about which section of Wrath the festival will be hosting at.

"Can I stay the night?"

"Go home. Tell Loona. Get packing."

"How about afterwards?"

Moxxie just gave him a look.

"Fine. Fine grouchy pants. I'll get you both in a few hours. Yall two take care of sleeping arrangements."

"Bye Blitz!" Millie waves goodbye to him.

"Bye Mil, Mox!"

They pair watch him leave and then go back inside. Millie casually watches Blitz run to the van and start it quickly before the rats get back.

"I'm going to drop all those orders and come back to pack." Moxxie tells Millie.

"All righty! I'm going to go call my folks. We can all stay with them!"


Millie stops a bit and smiles awkwardly. "Or we can ask your mom to stay over."

Moxxie wanted to be a little selfish and say yes. But he didn't want to do that too Millie. She and the folks have gotten back to nice speaking terms. She even went to visit a few times. It's just well they still don't like him. It doesn't mean he could sneak out. Just for a little bit, "No, no we can go to your folks. Their home would be bigger. Plus, closer to where Stolas is opening the festival. Right?"

"You sure?"

"Madre and I can plan something afterwards."

Sent a text to Ivy to check the apartment once in an awhile since they won't be home. Got a thumbs up. Talk with Maria for a bit and we will make plans. Moxxie was actually a bit excited about it. After dropping off the Flaw package orders. He went home to pack, just a backpack, and the imps just relax till Blitz came to pick them up. Three out of the four wear western, urban clothes to go to the Wrath Ring.

Moxxie barely changed. What? It was practically what he uses to wear. Besides minor differences.

"How do you not sweat in that?"

"Lack of complaining."

"Now we're talking! Let's go crew!" Blitz hollered and slammed on the break.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now