Chapter 22

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     Once I gathered myself, I asked, "What do you want to know?"

     Theo said, "Am I correct to assume you're a vampire?"


     "What happened that day," Draco asked.

     "I had gone a while without blood, and I have enough training to not go into bloodlust, so to live, I had to get blood from somewhere. So I took some from myself to hold me off till I could get some. And as you heard, it's best to take it when you have too much of it."

     "How long have you been a vampire?" Blaise asked.

     "14 years."

     I saw that they looked into the distance, so I said, "I turned when I was three, the night Sirius was sent to Azkaban."

     "Who knows?" Blaise asked.

     "Sev, Regulus, Dumbledore, Voldemort and the death eaters, and now you guys."

     "Not your father?" Draco questioned.

     "Sirius hates me already, do I need him to hate me more?"

     "Regulus' dead, right?" Blaise asked.

     "Yes, she made a portrait of him for Sirius, then didn't tell him it was her that made it," Severus said. "Now, tell them everything else you can do. Then leave. I don't need you guys here any longer."

     I rolled my eyes before saying, "So the only reason you guys," I pointed to Draco and Theodore, "Is I made a deal with Voldemort. I can manipulate magic, which makes me more powerful than him, that also makes me an excellent being to have under his control. So I made the unbreakable vow with him. I'm forever loyal to him as long as he, nor any death eaters, hurt you three. This means you can't become death eaters. I just changed the vow so if he breaks it, all of his soul pieces get destroyed, and I'll die slowly if I break my part of the vow. "

     "Which you have," Draco pointed out.

     "And I would be surfing a lot more if I wasn't a vampire. Now, do you accept my offer?"

     They looked between each other before they said, 'Yes' together.

     It's been a few days, and I'm ready to kill Umbrich. Some of the stuff she says is some of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Some of it's about the fact we don't need to practice spells and just need to read about them, and then the stuff about 'monsters,' which are just mainly Werewolves and Vampires. She keeps bringing up Remus as an example, and I keep picturing how she would look with a broken bloody nose. The more I think about it, the more I want to do it.I'm also hating her because she canceled Quidditch. I wasn't going to play this year as I felt it would drain me faster, but I could've watched.

     But I think Harry's setting up a group to practice what they should be learning. I'm going to see if I can join it and get Blaise, Draco, and Theo to join it, too. But I know Draco joined her Inquisitorial Squad. But that doesn't mean I can't change him.

     I saw the twins walk past with a look of mischief and knew I had to catch them before they prank Umbitch.

     Walking over to them, I took them by the sleeve and dragged them into an empty corridor. They turned around as soon as I let go of the back of their sleeve.

     Fred said, "I didn't know you were into this, Black."

     George then jumped in and said, "What would dear old dad say?"

     "With how much he had to done it during his Hogwarts days, I'll say he'd be proud. Now both of you stop it. I have an important question to ask you two."

     "We would love to have a threesome, Vale," Fred said.

     "Fred," I said with a sweet smile, "Say something like that again and I'll punch you."

     Fred then said, "He's Fred. I-"

     I cut him off because I didn't have the patience to listen to this shit by saying, "I know it's you, Fred, because you're the one who takes the lead with stuff like that. Now, I want to be in the club that Harry's forming."

     "How did you find out about that?" George asked.

     "Secrets travel fast here. Surely you know that."

     They nodded before they said at the same time, "We'll get you in."

Word count: 728

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