Chapter 20

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     There's a Horcrux in Hogwarts. As well as a devil. It wears pink and doesn't know shit. Her name's Dolores Umbridge. She pretends to be a pureblood, but I know she's a half-blood. And I'm incredibly close to killing her. It's only a week into the school year too. 

     She's taken away our ability to learn how to defend ourselves from the war that is coming. She, as well as the ministry, are denying the fact that Voldemort is back. I'm about to march in there to put some sense in their heads. I'm going to die for what some people believe isn't even back. That's exceptionally agitating. But I have to go to her class now. I'll try not to yell at her.

     Sitting in the class, she didn't go onto the topic of who's back, but she was talking about 'monsters' like werewolves and vampires.

     I raised my hand and said, "And Voldemort isn't a monster?"

     "What?!" She said while trying to keep her calm. It also got some looks around the class.

     "Voldemort, he's not a werewolf or vampire. Does that not make him a monster?"

     "Of course not," she answered.

     "But you said only creatures like vampires and werewolves are monsters." When she said nothing, I sat up in my seat and said, "Not only did you acknowledge the flaw in your statement. Your statement at face value is also wrong."

     This invoked a reaction from her, but I cut her off before she said something, "Did you know a famous doctor was a vampire? He invented many healing spells, and a werewolf invented many healing potions. Does that sound like a monster to you?" 

     Umbridge said, "Detention! For speaking out of turn and not raising your hand. AND, for cutting off a teacher."

     "More like speaking the truth," I mutter under my breath. But I obviously wasn't quite enough as Theo snickered next to me.

     The lesson continued, but I couldn't focus. I was feeling like shit from the curse, and now, I can't even pay attention to the words to the words on the page because of how exhausted I am. I haven't had blood for almost a month, and with the blood moon only two days ago, I don't have the energy to do much.

     "Are you okay?" Theo asked next to me.

     I shook my head no, but didn't do anything else. The lesson was going to end in 30 minutes, so I'll live. Might not get anything done, but it's not like I don't know what she's talking about. Plus, it's all in the book. Not hard to revise.

     The class ended. I had packed up a few minutes before the bell rang, and as soon as it did, I rose from my seat and high tail it out of there. My mind wasn't focusing on anything, and I desperately needed blood. I couldn't even look at human food. I just wanted blood.

     Making sure I didn't brush against anyone, I made my way to Snape's classroom. All of the students were heading to the great hall for lunch, so it'll be empty. I also had to ensure I didn't brush against someone, as that might trigger me.

     I'm heading to Snape's classroom to take a blood-replenishing potion. I could bite myself to hold me over till tonight so I can actually catch something to give me the blood I need. It's not good to take blood from yourself or even another vampire. If you take from yourself, you have a higher chance of getting sick, and it might not even do anything at all as the blood would go into healing you and replenishing the blood you took. That's why I'm taking the blood-replenishing potion.

     And to take from another vamp, you run the chance of catching their diseases, and sharing blood with another vampire could connect you to them, and that just causes a whole lot more problems than needing blood.

     I reached the potion room and pushed the door open. I faltered slightly when I saw Blaise and Draco in the room. They all looked in my direction after hearing the door open.

     Snape said, "Did you tell them I'll back you on your decision to let them join the order?"



     "Get Draco and Theo out of their respect- their house holes. And, it's easier for me because I'll always see one of them after the meeting, but I don't always see you. A side effect is that the notes are harder to track if you care."

     They seemed to be thinking before Theo asked from behind me, "How do you know what's happening at home."

     I think that's the most emotion I'd ever heard from him. "Takes one to know one," I say without missing a beat.

     Draco was about to ask a question that I was not going to answer, so I said, "I came here for a reason. I like to get that over with. Lunch is happening right now."

     "What did you want?" Snape asked.

     "Blood replenishing potion. I'm taking to the whole bottle, so a medium-sized one."

     "Why?" Snape asked. He tried to keep his tone monotone, but I heard the concern and confusion.

     "It's best to go into the forbidden forest at night. But I need blood now."

     "Blood?" Draco asked.

     "I thought you were smart," I said before turning my attention to Snape again, "It's best to take blood from yourself when you have too much. That way, when you take the blood, it's not instantly replenishing the blood you took and making you feel weaker. So can I have it?" 

     He walked to the storage room, and the others kept looking at me.

     "Vampire," I heard Theo whisper behind me. I didn't wait any longer as Snape came out and handed me the potion. I took it quickly before walking out to bite my arm without anyone watching.

Word count: 992

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