Chapter 21

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     It's time for my detention with Unbrige. I still haven't had a chance to head into the forbidden forest to get some blood. I'll probably have to find four or five stags to get enough. But I can do that after this detention. It shouldn't be that hard.

     I lied. I think I might take all of the blood out of Umbitch and Filch. First, Umbitch thinks I'm stupid enough not to realise she handed me a blood quill. This is illegal, and I don't want to learn what else she'll do. But I'm sure I'll find out what else she's willing to do behind the minister's back.

     "Do you know what that is?" She questioned with that sickly sweet voice.

     "Yes. It's a blood quill. It's illegal to use and have."

     "Well, what the minister doesn't know won't hurt him."

     "And the promotion you want?"

     She gave me a sharp look, but before I could say anything else, Umbridge said, "30 lines that say, 'I mustn't tell lines.' Then 25 lines that say, 'I mustn't talk back to teachers."

     "Is that all Miss?"


     I nodded, then grabbed the quilt with my left hand. Umbridge saw this and slapped it out of my hand.

     "Be proper and use your right hand, or I'll add more lines for you to write."

     Sighing, I knew I couldn't argue with her because I needed blood, and I'm unsure how long I can last before snapping and showing my true colors.

     I grabbed the quill again, this time with my right hand, and started writing the lines. I felt a small stinging on my left hand, but compared to some of the other things I've been through, it's nothing.

     I finished quickly, which surprised Umbridge, but she let me go without a fight. Which I think is the smartest thing she's done since she got here. But I didn't ponder it. I quickly backed up and rushed out of the room. The pink monster that I don't even want to call a room.

     I used my vamp speed to get to my room. I then opened the window and rushed down it and into the forest. When I was in the woods, I took some deep breaths. I allowed the blood lust to take over and let it find the blood.

     I woke up the following day in my bed. I looked at my hand and quickly searched my satchel for bandages. I wrapped my hand up and looked at it. It took a lot of training and beatings, so I didn't heal as soon as I was hurt. The orphanage owner hated that I healed without scaring every time she wiped me. She learned that silver made me scar, but I had to learn not to heal instantly.

     So I'm going to keep the bandages in for a week and a half before making it look like I was all healed up. I'm not going to the healer because it will only take a few minutes to heal. I just need to focus on healing it.

     I laugh a little at the thought. It's fucked up that I had to focus to heal my hand. It doesn't just happen naturally like it's supposed to. But now that I thought about it, it's also fucked up that I can stop myself from going into a blood lust for so long that I could go into a coma and die.

     But I had to do all of this so I could fit into society, not society accepting that I'm different or even ignore it. I would rather be ignored than have to go against my instinct to fit in. It makes sense that I can't just take blood from anyone, but I could at least be by to get a job without being turned away or even killed because of what I am when I didn't have a choice.

     I was walking to the great hall when Snape approached me and requested to speak to me.

     I just nodded my head, and he led me to his classroom. When he opened the door, I saw Blaise, Draco, and Theo sitting on different desks facing the door. They all looked up when they heard the door open. Now it made sense.

Word count: 718

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