Chapter 14

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     After the train ride, I had to return to the orphanage as I'm still considered a child that's supposed to live there. I am going to leave tonight and head to Sirius' house.

     I'm leaving now. I'm glad I can use magic since my birthday is in November, but I must go now. I was being raped and couldn't take it anymore, so I fought back. The problem is the owner of the orphanage raped me, so when I fought back, he tied me up and kept hitting me with a whip and kicking me.

     So now, I'm bleeding everywhere, and trying to focus enough to apparate away from here. But I'm in too much pain to do that. I also need blood, so my vamp healing can take effect, but I don't have enough energy to find some.

     I want to lie down. I finally can focus enough to apparate, so I apparate in front of Grimmauld. I didn't trust myself to apparate inside Regulus' old room, so I'm standing in front of 11 and 13.

     I made the house appear, then started walking towards the door. I had a key hidden above the door, so I grabbed it and unlocked the door. I also put on a glamour charm, so no one can see my scars, cuts, and bruises.

     When I opened the door, I heard a bunch of noise from the kitchen. Walking to the door, I saw Harry, Sirius, and the Weasley family, besides the three eldest sons, sitting and having lunch. They looked happy, and I thought about leaving, so they could be happy, but Kreacher appeared next to me. I jumped a little, then turned to look at him.

     "How can Kreacher help you?"

     "Can you bring the thing I always ask for to the room?"

     "Yes ma'am."

     With that, Kreacher disappeared, and I walked up to Regulus' old room. God, I've been staying in it since I was eight, and I still can't call it my room.

     Opening the door, I saw that everything was the same way I left it. Walking farther in, I closed the door and sat on the bed. Taking a deep breath, I removed the glamour charm when I exhaled, and waited for Kreacher to return with the medical box. I always have a blood bag in there.

     Kreacher appeared a few seconds later and put the medical box on the bed.

     "It looks bad, Miss."

     "I'm aware. I'm going out tomorrow. Keep them out of this room while I'm gone."

     "Yes Ma'am."

     I drank the blood and instantly felt some of my cut heal and energetic. Handing Kreacher the bag, he disappeared and got to work stitching the deeper cuts on my back. I had a mirror set up specifically for this. This isn't the first time this happened, and likely won't be the last.

     Once I was good, I walked downstairs to get something to munch on. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Molly Weasley working on something.

     "What'ch you making?" 

     She jumped slightly before looking at me and said, "Sorry dear, I didn't hear you come in. I'm making some bread for dinner. Everything will probably be ready in an hour."

     "Alright, anything I can do to help?"

     "Yes, can you run to the store and get me some lettuce? I don't have enough for a salad."

     I nodded, and she handed me five galleons. Looking at it, I put it on the countertop and walked out of the house when I realized she knew nothing about muggle money. I had enough to get a head of lettuce, but I'll have to run some newspapers to get more money so I can afford supplies next year.

     I got the lettuce, and when I walked into the kitchen, I saw everyone eating. It took a minute for me to find Miss. Weasley.

    Once I saw her, I handed her the lettuce, and she said, "Do sit down. Thanks for this."

     I saw a seat in between the twins, so I sat there.

     "When did you get here?" Sirius asked.

     "When you guys were eating lunch."

     "So you came to leech off me."

     I couldn't help but snort at this. Harry was living here for free, and the Weasleys were only helping with Molly cooking dinner, but instead of pointing this out, I said, "Sorry, didn't know your daughter needed to pay to stay here."

     He said nothing else, and I went back to eating. I really had no appetite to eat after he said that, but I just pretended I did.

     As we ate, I could hear Harry and Sirius's conversation until Harry asked, "Can I join the Order?"

     Everyone stops moving at this question. And I wait to see how Harry would react to getting declined.

     "I don't think this is the best time to discuss this," Sirius responded.

     "Why, I just want to help," Harry whined. He asks like a child sometimes.

     "Okay, We-"

     Molly instantly said, "Absolutely not. He's just a child, Sirius. Have you lost your mind?"

     "I just want to help," Harry argued.

     Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my plate as I finished and put it in the sink.

     I was going to leave the room when Sirius said, "Stop. I've got a question for you."

     Stopping, I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. My arms were crossed, and I was leaning against the wall.

     "Do you think it's a good idea for Harry to join the Order?"

     I looked at him for a second and was going to answer, but he cut me off, "You know, since you're a Slytherin, and you'll know how many death eaters are after him."

     I heard the front door open right when he started talking, and saw that Regulus went to say something when I said, "You sound a little too much like your parents. Maybe being in this house for so long has corrupted you."

     This seemed to make him snap, and he said, "I am nothing like them." He slammed his hands on the table while he stood up. I flinch slightly, before making sure no one saw that.

     "Then maybe you should change the prejudiced mindset you have about Slytherins. Do I have to remind you that your parent started hating you after you were sorted into Gryffindor? Or that your brother is a Slytherin?"

     He was quiet after this, and I walked away. I'm going to spend the night on the streets as even though I know he won't do anything, I still can't help but be a little scared due to past experts.

     It's night now, and I'm sitting on a bench in the park when I feel my death mark sting. I knew this meant I needed to apparate to the Malfoy Manor.

Work count: 1,142

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