Chapter 7

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     I was sitting at the dinner table again. We had one more day until we got to go back to Hogwarts, and all of this time, Sirius had been paying more attention to Harry than me. I know Harry has been through a lot, but can't you pay attention to both? I just want a little bit of attention.

     Dinner was almost down, and I just stood up to go back upstairs. I had to go by myself to get my school supplies because no one told me when they were going to get them. I was all packed even though we have one more day because I'm used to always keeping my stuff together in a bag so no one takes it.

     I walked back downstairs when there was only Molly and Sirius. I knew the other adults were in the living room, so I'll ask Sirius to talk privately.

     "Sirius, can I talk to you in private?"

     "Ya, um, Molly, can you give us the room?"

     Molly left the room, and I turned to face Sirius again. I had this all planned out on how to talk about this, but now, I'm scared of how he'll take it.

     "I know Harry has been through a lot, but can you at least ask me how I am sometimes?"


     "Well, I'm your daughter, so I thought you could ask me how I was with some care in your voice. You appeared to pay more attention to Harry than me."

     "Well, Harry's special. And he doesn't have any parents."

      "I know, and I'm not asking you to ignore him. I just was to be acknowledged as your daughter and not some random person in your house." I was hating where this was going, and now I'll probably be kicked out. I was messing with my sleeve and was trying to stop myself from going on my tiptoes. Something I did because it made me feel like I could react faster.

     "Well, no one asks you to show up here. If you don't like it, you can go back to where you came from."

     I just nodded and walked back up to my room. At least I wasn't kicked out. Was my only thought about that. But I knew I was close to getting kicked out, so I needed to be good. Which meant I needed to be quiet and grateful for the little thing I have. Like...

     It was time to board the train, and I watched Sirius and Harry say goodbye to each other and promise to keep in contact. I was on the train, and no one noticed that I left. 

     We were in the great hall, and it was announced that the Triwizard tournament was being held here and that Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute would join us this year for it.

     After everyone was settled, they went over the rules for the tournament. One rule that everyone seems to hate is the age restrictions. I don't care though. I have no desire to be placed in the game. Plus, my birthday's on November 23, and they're drawing the names on Halloween. I won't be old enough to enter.

     It looks like I'm going to enter this stupid game. The new DADA professor is a death eater. I know this because I just stole his cup, and I believe it's full of polyjuice. I'm not sure, so I'm taking it to snape.

     If it is full of polyjuice, I will see when he gets close to the Goblet of Fire and change the name on the piece of paper he puts in. He'll put Harry's name in because Harry has some of Voldemort's soul in him, so his blood can bring him back to life.

     I'm also going to remove Voldemort's soul from Harry. I can do this because I've got the ability to manipulate spells and can change where the Horcrux resides.

     Taking a few deep breaths, I knock on Snape's door and wait for him to open him. I heard him say, 'Come in,' and pushed the door open.

     "How can I help you Miss. Black?" Snape said in his monotone voice.

     "Can you tell me what's in this flask?" I held the flask towards Snape and waited.

     He snatched it from my hand and examined it. Opening the flask, he waved his wand over it and smelled it.

     "Where did you get this flask?"

     "It's Mad-eye Moody. But I believe he's not who he says he is," I stated.

     "You need to speak clearly, child."

     "I believe that's a polyjuice potion and that Mad-eye Moody is a death eater."

     He stared at me before examining the potion closer. He then started walking towards the fire, and after a few seconds of consideration, I used my vampire speed to stop him.

     "I'm right, aren't I."

     "Yes, now move. I need to inform some people about this."

     "No. I've got a different plan, and I'm not afraid of making you forget this."

     "Tell me your plan, and I'll decide what to do."

     "I'm a vampire and can manipulate spells. No matter what, they're going to try to bring Voldemort back. I can do that and then can kill him. We both know Voldemort is not completely dead. And more people will get hurt, so why not let the moody imposter think no one knows who he is and change the name he puts into the fire to mine?"

     "And no one else knows who he is and what's he taking?"

     I shook my head no and watched as he stepped away from the fireplace.

     "Also, besides you, Dumbledore and maybe Remus, are the only people that knows what I am. You can't tell anyone."

     "Your father doesn't know," Snape said with a bit of surprise in his voice.

     I sighed before saying, "Sirius hates me. Why give him another reason to."

     I then walk out of the room with the flask in my hand to put it where I found it. 

     An hour later, I just watched the moody imposter walk into the great hall. I had to go in after him and change the name on the paper to my name.

     After a minute, he walked out of the great hall and away from the door. I walked into the door and said a spell that'll change the name on the paper while changing the spell Dumbledore put down to prevent this from happening.

     Once I changed it back, I walked back to my room and laid down to fall asleep. And wait till morning to see if it worked.

Word count: 1,109

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