Chapter 4

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     It's summer now. I had owled Sirius on how to clear his name, but he didn't know it was me. I don't know why, but I want Sirius to be the first one to reach out. But I think it's because I want to feel wanted, not like a burden. I might reach out first because I can hardly handle what's happening around me.

     The boys at the orphanage keep touching me, and since I'm the only girl, I can't take much more. And I can't talk to the orphanage owner because he might rape me or tell me to deal with it.

     It's nighttime now, and I've had enough. I need blood. I can't take being raped again. I'm going to 12 Grimmauld. I could hardly breathe right now because I was fighting not to get raped, so the boys beat me up. I need blood to heal, so I'll run through the forest and wait for the knight bus to get me.

     I'm here in front of 12 Grimmauld. I'm scared to enter, but I take a deep breath and knock on the door. I would sometimes come here to escape the orphanage, so I had a key hidden, but I didn't want to barge in.

     After a few seconds, Kreacher opened the door. I saw he was angry, but he brightened up a little and let me in without a fuss.

     "Who is it?" Sirius called out from the kitchen.

     "Vale." I hope he recognizes my name. If he doesn't, that'll hurt more than anything I've ever experienced. "Can I talk to you?"

     Sirius walked around the corner and looked at me before answering, "No, I'm busy. But Kreacher can show you to the room you can stay in."

     I was about to say something else when I heard voices outside the door. I waited for the door to open before I turned around. When it did open, I saw that it was Harry.

     I watched Harry hug Sirius before asking, "Can I talk to you?"

     "Of course, my boy, I've got all of the time in the world."

     Nope doesn't hurt at all. I walked up the stairs where Kreacher told me, "You'll have the same room you always have when you visit, and if you need anything, Kreacher will be more than happy to help."

     I nodded, said thank you, and walked inside the room I always have. It was Regulus' old room. I had scratched the walls because I went into a blood thrust and had charmed to room not to let me out until I calmed down, so I scored at the walls.

    I heard footsteps walking up the stairs and went out to see what was happening. It sounded like a stampede, and when I looked outside, I saw the Weasley twins, Ron, Harry, and Hermione, all looking over the railing with an ear.

     Walking closer, I saw they were trying to listen in on the downstairs meeting. I was going to talk until I heard what was being said.

     "I don't think it's a good idea to have a snake in the house," Sirius said. I already knew he was talking about me.

     I stayed behind them and heard Molly say, "Don't talk about her like that. She is her daughter. It's bad enough that you didn't contact her. Now you want to get rid of her?"

     "She could be a death eater or a spy."

     "Voldemort is dead right now, and she was raised in a muggle orphanage. Voldemort wouldn't want her. And don't even use the excuse that you didn't know where she was. I gave you her address. That was the first thing I did," Remus said.

     Then the kids stepped away from the ear. I guess someone in that room up a privacy charm.

     "Sirius does have a point," Ron said. I didn't want to listen to the rest, so I turned around and walked back to Regulus' room.

     I was about to open the door when Fred said, "I don't think Sirius wants anyone in there."

     Turning, I faced everyone and said, "I've been staying in this room every sense I've been coming here. If he has a problem, then maybe he should've stopped me the first time."

     I closed the door and sat on my bed. Sirius was free. I knew that if I made him happier by I gave him something, he might like me more or at least indulge me. Perhaps a portrait of Regulus, the magical kind, so he can talk to it. But I don't have the money for it. Could always make it. That's what I'll do. So I started working.

Word count" 783

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