Chapter 1

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Something has been attacking the Muggle-born children, and I think I know what it is. I think the Slytherin monster is a Basilisk. This means that the book Draco's father but inside Ginny's basket was a Horcrux like I thought. Because the only other person the is a parselmouth than me is Harry and Voldemort himself.

I know that the book, more like diary, was put into Ginny's cauldron because I was with the Weasley to get stuff for school as I live in a Muggle orphanage and need a magical family to get my school supplies with.

So, with me being in the same grade as the Weasley twins, Fred and George, plus Harry going with them and being the godson to my father, Sirius Black, Dumbledore told Mally Weasley to pick me up too. Like she doesn't have enough kids and other responsibilities.

And with me being a Vampire, we are natural Parselmouths, and with my ability to manipulate spell, I could feel that the diary was a Horcrux and could get into Salazar's hidden chamber.

I walked into the girls' bathroom, where Myrtle hung out. I waited till Ginny came in here to grab the diary from her. I only had to wait four minutes for her to walk in here.

"Ginny?!" Have to make it look like a coincidence. I watched her turn around quickly and quickly put something inside her bag. Stupid Riddle.

"What are you going here Ginny? It's almost curfew, and I'll have to tell your mom if you don't start making your way back to your common room. Don't you know there's a monster lurking in the corridors?" I watched her eyes change colors and quickly went to the other side of her and slipped the diary out of her bag. I don't like why I had to learn how to do that, but it is coming in handy.

"Ginny?" I questioned, trying to see if she was really here.

She looked around for a few seconds before looking at me and saying, "What happened? Why am I here?" She then turned to me and put some space between her and me before asking, "What are you doing? Trying to kill me? You filthy snake!"

"No. You walked into the bathroom. It's almost curfew. Do you want me to talk to your mom about this? I don't think she'll be happy about you being here when there's a monster lurking around."

"I'm going to the headmaster to tell him you're the one controlling the monster and that you tried to kill me."

Sighing, I just told her to go ahead and watch her run out of the bathroom. I then turned around and looked into the mirror. I couldn't see myself in it, but that wasn't my many concerning things right now.

I walked over to the sink which didn't work. I felt along the faucet until I found the Slytherin engravement. When I felt it, I took a few deep breaths before I said open in parseltongue.

The sinks began to move, so I took some steps back until I saw the opening. Walking over to it, it was a drop. Kicking a stone down and counting until it hit the bottom, it took eight seconds, but the sound it made when it hit the bottom seemed like there was magic down there to slow the fall.

Deciding to go for it, I jumped and was right when I thought there was magic to slow the fall. Landing on my feet, I walked down the tunnel, which led to a round door with seven snakes on it. I asked it to open this time and watched as each snake left one by one until I could open the door.

Walking through it, I was brought into a giant chamber with a pathway between two poodles of water. There were also stone snakeheads there with water coming out of their mouths. There was some sort of stone structure at the end where the Basilisk came out of.

I dropped my eyes to the floor and started talking to the snake. Once I told her that I met her no harm, she began to slither away. Once I was sure I wouldn't get petrified by it, I walked to the end of the pathway and set the diary down.

I was going to try to figure out how to get him out of there, but it seemed like the soul piece wanted to give me an easier time and came out on his own.

He looked at me for a few moments before he said, "Who are you?"

"Vale Regulus Black. I presume you're Tom Marvolol Riddle."

"Yes. You're a parselmouth, how? Only the descendants of Salazar Slytherin can be parselmouth."

"Some vampires are also parselmouth. The one that bit me, apparently, was one of those vampires. And I'm supposed to destroy you with the venom from the venom from your Basilisk, but I think you might be helpful. Or are you going to leech off of me? Don't lie. I can tell when someone is lying to me."

"What would I have to help you with?" Was Tom's response.

I thought about it briefly before deciding I'll need to take him somewhere else to show him what had happened in the world. Before I did that, Tom helped me extract some Basilisk venom that I put in a potions vial before I took the diary, and we walked away.

I ran back to the dorm to myself because Dumbledor thought it would be best just in case I went into blood lust. I had a place to go without people.

When I closed the door, I opened the diary again and started getting the Pensieve ready to show Tom what had happened.

Once everything was set up, I grabbed the Diary with Tom inside it before entering it. I opened the diary once we were inside, and we went through the memories individually. After that, we left the Pensieve, and Tom seemed to be thinking for a little bit.

"That's what I've done?"

"A lot more that I've only read about. Right now, you are dead, but I believe that will change soon. I need your help destroying all of the Horcruxes and making sure no one else gets hurt or killed while at it."

"Why do you want my help? I technically did that."

"Did you want all of that to happen?"

"No. But I can't help you either."

"That's okay. I'll try to make your death painless."

"Thank you"

After we said our goodbyes, I stabbed my knife into the diary. Once I was sure it was destroyed, I burned the diary and sat on my bed, thinking about what I would do.

Word count: 1,135

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