Chapter 5

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     It's finished, but now I'm overthinking everything. I don't know enough about him to know if he'll like it. I haven't brought it to life yet, but I'm about to. Maybe I could leave it on the dinner table, and he'll see it, and I can figure out if he likes it.

     It's alive. He seems to be looking around, but his eyes have now landed on me. I was looking over him to see if everything looks right before leaving him on the table.

     "Can I help you?" Regulus asked.

     I said, "Yes. Keep your voice down. You're a surprise for your brother."

     "And you are?"

     "Techanaly, you niece. Now be quiet."

     I grabbed the cloth I chose to cover him with and took him downstairs. I was about to use my vampire speed when I heard a door open. I paused and turned to look at what door opened. I watched Fred walk out the door with George behind him. They turned and saw me looking at them with the portrait under my arm.

     "What are you doing?" Fred asked

     "I could ask you the same thing."

     "I asked first," George then said.

     "No you didn't. Fred did. How about this, you guys do what you were going to do, then I'll do what I was going to do. Neither of us talks about what we saw today."

     "Tell us what the package is, then we'll agree," Fred bargained.

     I thought about it before saying, "It's a present to Sirius. You can't tell anyone that I gave it to him. Deal?"

     I offered my hand out to shake, and Fred shook it first and said deal. Then George shook it and said deal too. I went back into the room and waited till I heard them come back.

     "Can you remove the cloth while we wait? I get motion sickness."

     I removed the cloth, and he looked around the room. "This is my room!?"


     "What are the scratched in the wall?"

     "I don't know. They were here when I first came into the room," I lied.

     He was about to ask another question when there was a knock on the door. I threw the cloth back over him and walked over to the door. Opening it, I saw it was George. He told me they were done, and it was my turn. I nodded and walked back into the room.

     I picked up the portrait and walked downstairs. I put him on the table and ensured everything looked good before returning to my room. I cleaned up everything and went to bed, knowing I might regret everything tomorrow.

     It's the next day, and I got no sleep last night. I waited for someone to go downstairs before emerging from the room.

     "I told everyone not to go into that room."

     Turning my head, I saw Sirius standing there. I was going to respond when he was called downstairs by someone. He said he'll deal with me later and walk downstairs. I followed after him and saw that Remus found the present. I watch from the stairs to his reaction. 

     He took the cloth off with caution before he paused. He stared at the portrait for a few seconds before Regulus said, "Is that how to greet your dead brother?"

     Sirius then started crying, and I knew I made a grave mistake. I didn't know what to do, but then I heard Sirius start saying thank you.

     I kept standing on the stairs when I heard someone come down behind me. I turned to look who it was and saw it was the twins. They looked at Sirius crying and saying thank you.

     "Are you going to tell him it was you?" George asked,

     "I was going to, but I'm not good with being thanked, so it can stay a mystery for now."

      They nodded, and we walked to rest of the way down and into the room. Sirius then grabbed my shoulder and introduced me to Regulus. I stood there like a statue and waited for him to take his hand off my shoulders so I could walk away. The twins were laughing at my face.

     Sirius continued to introduce everyone and talked about everything that happened to Regulus. He then asked him who made him. Regulus then looked at me, and I shook my head no slightly.

     Regulus then said, "I don't know. When I woke up, I was underneath the cloth."

Sirius accepted that answer, and everyone started eating. Sirius decided that Regulus should go on the wall on the side of the dining table. I went back upstairs to the room I'm staying in.

Word count: 781

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