Chapter 24

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At the next meeting, I made sure to tell the twins and Lee that Blaise, Draco, and Theo would be joining me at the next meeting. There were some questions on whether they could be trusted, but they took my word for it that they wouldn't tell anyone and that they were on our side. I also pointed out how good it would be to have an inquisitorial member on our side. Now all I have to do is get that into everyone else's head.

I could tell the Slytherins were uncomfortable, but I don't think Harry minds too much.

"Alright, is everybody ready?" Harry asked.

I then heard Ron say, "Mate, you can't seriously be holding a meeting with them here."

"Why not? Anyone is allowed to join if they want to learn."

"Yes, but they're Slytherins," Ron countered.

"So is Vale."

"I know. I still don't fully trust her."

I sighed before saying, "If you think you're whispering, I would like to inform you that everyone is quiet."

I saw blush rush up Ron's face.

Harry cleared his throat again and the meeting started. The boys weren't doing back, but that's when I saw out of the corner of my eye Cho cast a spell towards me. It was the same spell that was thrown at me in the last meeting.

I blocked it and turned to look at her. She didn't shy away this time as she cast another spell. I blocked it again. People saw that a fight was happening and stopped what they were doing to watch.

I kept blocking Cho's attacks without trouble when she cast something stronger. I cocked my head to the side before casting a spell to put ice on the floor, deciding to have fun with her.

She wasn't expecting that and started losing her balance. The ice made it to my side, so I kindly skated over to her and lightly pushed her down. She let out a small scream, which made me laugh.

"Next time, don't go up against someone who survived Voldemort."

I made the ice disappear and walked back to where I was standing originally.

Harry came over and asked, "Can you show them how to catch their opponents off guard like that."


"I've never faced off against anyone. I just have this title that I never wanted."

"I can, but Fred or George would be good at that too. I don't care to talk in front of a whole group."

"You could help them," He suggested.

I sighed before nodding.

I walked over to the twins and said, "Harry wants one of you to face off against me so we can show how to catch someone off guard."

"Not it," they say at the same time.

I sighed before saying, "Don't have time for this. I won't kill you."

"Yeah, but we don't want to face against someone who survived He Who Must Not Be Named," Fred said.

"If one of you doesn't choose in the next five seconds, I will constantly call you both by the wrong names," I threaten.

George immediately offered himself up, and we got up on the stage.

Harry announced what we were doing and we got into position.

"Who wants to g-" I cut George off by sending the disarming spell at him. He blocked it, and we continued the cycle of one casting a spell and the other blocking it.

I then changed the floor to ice. George slipped and put his hand up to stop the spell but got thrown back anyhow.

That got some claps, and I skated over to him, helping him up after I changed the floor back to normal.

"You went easy on her," Fred said.

"You try then," George said.

I didn't see the need to, so I looked to Harry for help, but he said, "It would be good to have another demonstration with a different spell." He then saw my look and gave me a sheepish smile.

Sighing, I walked to my side of the stage. Fred hopped onto the stage, and we got started.

We did the same tango that George and I did. I then cast an unknown spell, and Fred put up a shield. But this wasn't a potent spell. When the spell hit the shield, butterflies came out from it. This distracted Fred, and I sent him flying back.

But instead of staying down, he came up and cast a spell towards me. I blocked it and sent a spell near his head so he would duck. He did duck, which gave me the chance to disarm him and lift him into the air by his foot.

Bringing him closer to me, I said, "Did you think that would work on me?"

"I hopped," he said sheepishly.

"And I hope you now know that I'm not easy to beat."

"Yeah," he said, losing his breath because all of the blood was rushing to his head.

Letting him down, I stepped off the stage and walked over to a wall next to Theo. I stayed there till the meeting was over as I was ready for someone to attack me, so if I faced off against someone, I would do something stupid that should only be done during an actual fight.

Word count: 887

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