Chapter 15

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     Apparating in front of the Malfoy Manor gates, I opened them and walked towards the manor. The doors opened before I could touch them, and I walked towards the dining room. When I walked in there, I didn't see Snape, so I was happy to keep this a secret a little longer until I figured out how to convince him that I was on their side.

     Sitting down on the open seat, I was glad to see no other children there. But I couldn't ignore all of the glares I was getting. Greyback stood up from his seat and walked over to me. I watched him closely, and when he was next to me, he sniffed me. The more he sniffed me, the stronger the urge to punch him became.

     Finally, I said, "Sense you're too stupid to figure it out, what you're smelling is a vampire. And if you don't step away from me, I'll punch you."

     He looked at me before taking another sniff of me. Without warning, I punched him. He stumbled back a little before getting angry. I sighed before standing up and leaning against the chair.

     Greyback pulled his wand and went to perform a spell. When he shot it, I ensured my powers were visible and changed the spell to produce red butterflies. He shot the Cruciatus curse.

     He growled at me, but before he could do anything else, Voldemort walked into the room. The dark lord only had to clear his throat, and Fenrir stood down. I smiled at him before sitting down in the seat behind me.

     Greyback was walking to his seat when he said, "You should never turn your back to a werewolf."

     "Given the fact I can kill you before you can do your little wolfy howle. I'm sure I'll be fine." I smiled at the end at him before turning my attention to the top of the table where Voldemort was sitting.

     Greyback was apparently going to say something, because I saw the dark lord turn his wand in the direction of him.

     "This is our newest recruit. Vale's a vampire and will be paying for her father's crimes Sirius Black."

     I heard one gasp and one laugh. I presume the laugh was Bellatrix, and the gasp was from Narcissa. Looking over at them, I saw I was correct when I saw the shocked look on Narcissa's face, and the smile on Bellatrix's face.

     "You must have been made from one of his one-night stands, right?" Bellatrix asked.


     "But you're not a pureblood?" She asked again.

     "I was before I was bitten."

     "Then who's your Mother?" Lucius asked.

     "Don't know. I didn't have anyone to ask."

     No one asked anything after that, and the meeting continued. I heard some critical information, so I would write it on a piece of paper in handwriting anyone could have and put it in Snape's pocket the next time I see him.

     While leaving the house, I heard Narcissa and Lucius devise a plan to get Draco to become a Death Eater. I waited till Lucius left before walking over to Narcissa.

     "What are you thinking?"

     She appeared startled by my voice.

     "I thought you were a better mother than that."

     "You don't understand," Was all Narcissa said.

     She went to leave when I grabbed her arm. "No. I may not have any examples of a good parent. But I know you should put your child before yourself. You don't make them do stuff they don't want to do. Like making them join a group that hurts them."

     "He has to pay for what Lucius did."

     "You're not the mother I thought you were. And you're definitely not the mother Draco thought you were."

     She looked down to the ground, and I heard her mutter about a plan working, but I left. I couldn't look at her after the realization came over me that she was emotionally manipulating her child.

     Walking out of the manor, I apparated to the park that was near Sirius' house. I was set to spy on the order, which definitely makes it harder to keep it a secret on what I'm doing. And I'm sure I'll have to spy on Snape too.

Word count: 708

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