At least when that was a thing on Earth. The logic of drinks thrown out the window. Sure, the alcohol is still similar down here. Along with the difference.

In Hell many do drink a lot. Okay 96% do. Sinners can consume vast amounts of alcohol without fear of dying, dying. Unless, depending on the alcohol and amount, you can still get a horrible hangover. Or do the stupid shit that 'kill' you. Unless you got unlucky with something angelic.

Beelzejuice is so far one the strongest and can intoxicate the demons of Hell. Sinner, hellborns and even the random animal inhabitants. Of, course only a select few can get that up here in Pride, at specific bars or sneak it through but it is so expensive. The Gluttony ring does sell other alcohol too in the other rings. It's just Beelzejuice just the bomb.

This stuff was strong though. Maybe something to do with Wrath?

It was Smokey.  A rich smoky flavor was one way to desirable the taste. There was another associated flavor too it.

She hummed a bit. It was reminding her of something but she couldn't put her finger on it.


"I love it. Tell her I said thank you." Then an idea crosses her mind. "Hey Mox. Do you mind if I can call her? Or put a number down. Want to thank her myself."

Moxxie thinks a bit. "Let me ask her first.  Probably will want me to give you the home number."

"I got you. Let me go store this away. You can go open up front."

"Got it."

The day went by fast after that.

A few regulars, many assholes, did say hi to Moxxie. Or get grouchy he didn't come back sooner. The older customers, hellborns, like Moxxie when he talks back. Then talk leads to random weather.  No, issue after that. Issues being everyday hell stupid stuff.

"So, what did you get your Madre?" Ivy asked, the pair closing together. So, now I'll just clean up.

"Honey." Moxxie, was sweeping up.


"It was exotic honey."

"Cool." Ivy was able to hear a few things about what they just did. She moves a bit them bump into Moxxie as he brought it out here. Fell on the ground. "Crud sorry Mox- "

Stop to see the notebook open up. The first page looks like designs. Even thread was tape on the page like different color options. Pick up fast as Moxxie held the notebook. He didn't look embarrassed but just watched her wearily.

The sinner blink then sighs. "Look I don't mind you bringing your notebook to work. But I would suggest keeping like your professional one home. Just in case some moron tries to steal it and sale your ideas."

"There not that good." Moxxie muttered. He does have another one that like personal he doesn't carry around. Only had this on him when he took breaks since he prefers to sew at the apartment. This one is just like fun. Idea he thought of making but unsure to do it or not.

"Seriously? I thought that dress was gorgeous. Those color would have to go personal search and try on to see I can pull it off." Just watches them shuffle a bit. "Do you have extra stuff at home you made?"

A little shrug.

"How about bringing them over Friday? After work."


"I want to see what else you have made, along with buy it."


You would think Moxxie would be use to this. Like someone actually likes materials he has made over the years. Proof really shows around like at home. It doesn't mean they're still doubts. Or like he was waiting for some cruel prank. A joke.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now