Striker looks over at Moxxie and walk up to him. Pull him over then he ruffles his hair. "Got to say Critter this is your best work yet."

"Is that you saying you'll keep it?'' Shove his hand away and refix his hair.

"No, kidding." He grinned and tipped the brim up. "I like it a lot. Fit me very well don't you think?"

"No, comment."

"Come on say it I look good."

"You already hear it enough flattery from your fan club."

Striker laughed and pat Moxxie shoulder. His eyes showed just that moment how sincere he truly was with the gift. "I mean it. I really like it a lot."

"You're not pulling my tail?"

"I'm not pulling your tail." Pulls him over. "Come on we got some shooting to do. Got to keep my title."

"You're not the only best shot in the whole damn Ring."

"Better than you."

"I beat you with a pistol."

"I was sick that day. I also beat you with the rifle."

"By one point. "

"One point ahead of you."

"Not for long."

Moxxie , Striker had a good time at the shooting range. They were being competitive, shoot for fun, smack jokes and occasionally help the other out.

Moxxie will admit Striker really is good with his own set of skill sets. He seen this guy do things that shocked many others and showed he could do it. I didn't know how to make rope. The guy sat for hours to watch. Even as he messed up and got frustrated, he still didn't stop till he made rope. Never learn how to fish. He became average fisherman and learn how to clean, cut fish. He didn't like poetry but was able to out poetry another imp since they pissed him off. The list would go long and probably get longer as time passed. He was just very confident and ambitious even as a kid back then to show he could do better than others.

Now and then Moxxie pulls a surprise weapon stunt or trick against the taller imp. His reaction was worth it!

The two in the truck after a long day of shooting as Striker drives them back home. Striker glance over seeing Moxxie stare out the window. Well really his eyes closed and were relaxed look.

He like the look on Moxxie. But also, the fierce fieriness when it comes out.

He wants to always see it.

Looks back out at the road with a smile on his face.

Two months later.

Striker face was unreadable as he stared down at the tombstone.

It was hard for anyone to see as his eyes were covered by the hat. He only took off when the coffin was lowered to the ground. Even then you couldn't read his eyes. He was left alone by the tombstone as the rare friends and coworkers leave the area. Two were a bit farther away but waited for him.

Ringed eyes stared at the name on the dark stone. One he didn't want to see for a very long time. Hopefully never even in this world they live in.


Striker kneeled down and touched the stone with his fingertips.

He should have been there. This shouldn't have happened. Not his Ma.

He wanted to tell her everything was fine now. He found the one who killed her when she was just doing her job. She didn't have to protect her co-workers from the prick. But they were the type of people she never did like. One who thinks they have the right to do anything to throw money at another face. Always prepared and on guard. But not that night as the guy had a holy blade that went to her neck.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now