Kazuto: (I can think of one person who could relate to that)

Karma reveals he loves the name karma

Korosensei: come to think of it, and far from satisfied with my name

Sugino: hang on I thought you liked being called korosensei kayano gave you that name didn't she

Korosensei: it's because I like it that I'm not satisfied there happen to be two people in this very room who refuse to address me accordingly

Bitch and Karasuma both flinch slightly

Korosensei: at best mr Karasuma talks to me using nothing but a hey, hey you what are we a middle aged couple

Bitch: we're adults we don't say things like koro-sensesi because it makes us sound like idiots

Karasuma just seems very annoyed

Kazuto chuckles

Yada: here's a thought we could call each other by specially chosen code names couldn't we

Isogai: are you serious

Yada: yeah! I mean codenames are actually kind of appropriate for this classroom the assassins we met in the island all had one and even Kazuto had one to keep their real names a secret

Kazuto: if we're doing this can we not go with kirito for me that's got some bad memories on it

Yada: fair enough that's fine, but still I thought it made them sounds very polished and professional

Korosensei: yes of course that's an excellent idea here's what we'll do then right down a suggested code name for of your classmates and place them in the box we'll call each other by whatever code names I draw out

They do just that

Korosensei: also I should mention this for the rest of the day real names are forbidden

They all go out to try and capture Karasuma code name Densest

Sugino -baseball geek

Sugaya- president poverty

Rinka - hot and cold sniper

Maehara - womanising scumbag tries to capture him but it doesn't work

Mimura - Director mushroom

Kanzaki - mistress Kanzaki

Hinano - fluffy stag beetle

This doesn't then either

Yoshida - Home plate

Takuya - loofah

Itona - picture book graduate

All move in

While Terasaka -pseudo takaoka is about to shoot him

Densest is proud of him and then spots kayano - forever flat and Okuda - poison specs

She then calls put out to Meg - Dignified Didact

Who then is followed by Rio - English lass and Nagisa - Gender

They unleash a Barry's elf bullets

Which allows our experienced Asian to catch him by suprised

Kazuto - Solitary Raven moves in goes to strike densest

And it lands splattering paint on his shoulder but densest isn't done

Densest: Very good

Densest goes to grab solitary Raven but he misses just barley

Solitary Raven: See ya Densest TERMINAL PERV (Okajima) - THIS  MANGA IS AMAZING  (fuwa) KEEP YOUR DISTANCE


He dives back into the bushes

them alongside  karma - Seni-senioritis are blocking the escape route

So then it's all down to

Chiba - Dating sim emo character

densest blocks it the shot

Then out of the bushes pops


And it's done

Korosensei: well using those code names felt pretty good huh

Students: actually it was pretty painfull

Yada: Scrunches and boobs really

Okano: try being called amazing ape one day

Kazuto: yeah or getting reminded of a bad joke all day as well

Korosensei: ahh yes well I see

Ritsu: could someone explain what box d moe means

Hara: isn't it pretty obvious

Justice: excuse me, sir, my code name was just the same is my real one

Korosensei: correct because I'd know what you'd be Doug in pe given your agility I was all but sure  you'd have a special role to play and considering the moves you showcased I'd say justice fits perfectly

Hinano: you bet it does

Justice isn't convinced

Korosensei: now rest assured Kimura my boy if you don't like it, requesting a name, change is simply a matter of filling out the right paperwork

Kimura: yeah I guess your right

Korosensei: you should bear in mind, however if you wind up, being the one to actually assassinate me I am certain people are going to be quite gracious about your name JUSTICE INDEED THEY'll SAY we can't choose what they're called, but we choose what people choose to associate with it names don't make us who we are Dan merely part of what we leave behind as we walk through life footprints in the sand that's said cherish them, if nothing else for their potential justice for example why not hold onto that until after the assassination what do you say


Korosensei: now now, then, since everyone got to use their codenames today it's only fair that I divulge my own from this point forward, kindly refer to me as follows
Prince of the fateful, eternal wind

They all yell and shoot stuff at him

And proceeded to call him the octopus of the idiotic perverted chicken

Rio: So solitary Raven whay did you think

Kazuto: ugh personally I didn't like it the name was cool and everything but I would've liked something that fit me a bit more not just what my name translates too

Rio: hmm than how about The abyssal blademaster

Kazuto smiles: yeah that's a pretty epic name but I was thinking along the lines of


Itona: Hey kirito! We wanna see again who can eat more disgusting Damn without throwing up

Kazuto: oh you are so only picture book graduate

Itona: that's it you're going down the next time we fight

Kazuto: Ha! See ya later Teasing taskmaster

Rio is surprised but smirks: you know I like that name

And that's a wrap I'll see you all later for the next chapter

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