~ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝~

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~One Year Later~

Yn sat in her office, her fingertips idly rolling the pen between her fingers. The chair beneath her creaked softly in rhythm with her movements, mirroring the monotony that had settled into her life. The soft knock on the door pulled her out of her daze, and she sighed, granting permission for entry. Her tired gaze met that of a junior officer-a recent addition to the team who seemed eager to prove himself. The junior held a file, his nervousness palpable as he stepped forward to present the report from their last mission in Rome. Yn had been promoted recently to chief officer, a position that held more weight but also demanded more of her energy.

The junior cleared her throat, her voice wavering slightly. "Here is the report from our last mission, Chief."

Yn nodded, a faint acknowledgment as her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose in an attempt to stave off the fatigue that had become her constant companion. She had been burning the candle at both ends, burying herself in work to escape the hollow ache that had taken up residence within her.

The junior officer's concerned voice cut through the haze that had settled around Yn, pulling him out of her thoughts. She blinked, her gaze meeting the earnest eyes of the young recruit. "You look tired, ma'am" the junior said softly, a hint of worry in his voice. "You should go home and rest. It's already late."

Yn's eyes flicked to the wall clock, the time illuminated in bold numbers - 8:00 PM. She hadn't realized how late it had gotten. She nodded, her lips curling into a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of fatigue. The genuine concern in the junior's voice was a small reminder that even in the world of shadows and secrets, there were still those who cared.

As the junior left her office, yn found herself alone once again. The room seemed to close in on her, the weight of the past bearing down on her shoulders. She moved with a sense of purpose, packing away her files and shutting down her computer. The paperwork and reports seemed never-ending, a constant reminder of the unrelenting demands of her role.

Pushing back her chair, Yn rose to her feet. She paused for a moment, her gaze sweeping over the room that had become a sanctuary of sorts. The stacks of documents, the dim lighting, the air of intensity - all of it had become a part of her routine, a way to distract herself from the pain that lived just beneath the surface.

With a sigh, yn shouldered her bag and headed for the door. The office was quiet now, the low hum of the air conditioning the only sound that accompanied her. The hallway was deserted as she walked, her footsteps echoing in the emptiness. The journey to her car felt like an eternity, each step a reminder of the weight she carried.

Sliding into the driver's seat, yn sat for a moment in silence. The engine roared to life, the soft hum filling the car's interior. The streets of the city were illuminated by the glow of streetlights, casting a warm ambiance that contrasted with the cold numbness she felt within.

As she drove, her mind wandered back to the past - the laughter, the moments of connection, and the love that had once been a beacon of light in her life. It was a bittersweet ache that tugged at her heart, a reminder that even amidst the darkness, there had been moments of joy.

Yn returned to Italy, a heart heavy with grief, one months after Yoongi's passing. The relentless search for Yoongi's body spanned agonizing weeks, the relentless pursuit for a fragment of her love ending in despair. And so, with heavy hearts, they declared Yoongi officially gone, forever lost to the world. The court's gavel resonated with finality, the legal proceedings marking the end of Yoongi's story.

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