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~4 months later~

It was the dead of night, the moon casting eerie shadows that danced in the empty alley where Jimin and Yn had parked their cars, strategically distanced from each other. The minutes crawled by, each tick of Yn's wristwatch echoing in the palpable tension that hung in the air.

Her anxiety was a living thing, gnawing at her as she rested her head against the car seat, her eyes never leaving the road that led to Daehyun's mansion.A sudden, deliberate tick on her wristwatch sent a jolt through her. Yn's senses sharpened as she swallowed hard, her heart pounding in anticipation.

She shifted her gaze towards Jimin's car, where he had returned from the shadows, clutching a large container of fuel in his hand. His signal was clear, he had completed his part of the plan, and it was now Yn's turn.With a nod, she hastily donned her attire - black trousers and shirt, a cap pulled low over her head, and a black mask concealing her features. Her hair was tied in a loose ponytail, a stark contrast to the determination in her eyes.Steeling herself, Yn moved stealthily in the opposite direction, her footsteps silent as a whisper.

In a matter of minutes, she found herself standing before a towering wall. She scaled it with the grace of a cat, disappearing into the abyss on the other side. Ahead lay Daehyun's mansion, shrouded in mystery and danger, waiting for her to unveil its secrets.

This was the culmination of her plan, the final act in her mission to bring Daehyun to his knees.Silently, she moved through the gardens, her every step calculated. Yn's years of training in stealth and strategy had led her to this moment.

Her senses were heightened, attuned to any sound or movement that could signal danger.As she neared the mansion's entrance, her gloved hand tightened around the cloth soaked in chloroform. The mansion's imposing facade stood before her, its windows shrouded in darkness.

She knew that Daehyun was asleep, unaware of the storm that was about to engulf him.Cautiously, Yn slipped inside through a slightly ajar door. The grandeur of the mansion's interior seemed incongruous with her purpose—bringing down a man who had used his power for evil. She moved with the grace of a ghost, her steps barely making a sound on the polished marble floors.Yn reached the door to Daehyun's chamber, her heart pounding in her chest.

This was the moment of truth. She pushed the door open slowly, revealing the figure of Daehyun lying in an opulent bed. His steady breathing was a stark contrast to the chaos he had caused.With steady hands, Yn approached the bed. She unfolded the chloroform-soaked cloth and brought it close to Daehyun's mouth, her heart racing as she anticipated his reaction. As the cloth touched his lips, his breathing slowed, and his eyes fluttered.

Daehyun's body went limp as the chloroform took effect, sending him into a deeper sleep.

Time seemed to stretch as Yn watched Daehyun's eyelids flutter. Slowly, his eyes opened, and a jolt of shock and anxiety crossed his features as he took in his restraints and his surroundings.

A cold shiver ran down Daehyun's spine as his consciousness returned. Panic set in immediately as he realized he couldn't move - his wrists and ankles were bound with unforgiving chains, locked so tightly they cut into his flesh. Desperation clawed at him, urging him to scream, to beg for help, but when he tried, his voice was stifled by the cruel plastic bag that covered his face. His frantic attempts to escape only worsened his situation, the unyielding chains digging deeper into his skin, causing fresh wounds.

As the world around him grew hazy, and his strength waned, Daehyun felt a numbing sensation creeping over him, a sinister harbinger of oxygen deprivation. Just when he thought darkness would claim him, salvation arrived. The plastic bag was ripped away, and he gasped for air, greedily inhaling the precious oxygen.

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