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It took years -
Building these high walls around my heart,
As a reminder
To never climb such heights again,
Because I'm prone to falling.....



It was pitch black everywhere. There was nothing in the area. It resembled a dark, deep void. Only a person's laboured breathing and rapid steps could be heard.

Yn was sprinting as hard as she could. Her breathing was becoming rough and laboured. She still had her bandages on. She occasionally cast a scared glance behind from her shoulder.

He was still chasing her. Because he was expertly hiding his identity, no one could see his face.

Where was she? She scanned the area but was unable to identify the location. She was in the middle of nowhere, simply running for her life.

She suddenly whacked herself with a stone and collapsed on the floor. She hissed in pain. She made an attempt to stand up again but was unsuccessful. She is currently too exhausted to run. As she stared at the man who was about to approach her, tears began to fall down her cheeks.

He came to a stop and sat down next to her on his feet. He extended his hand towards her. She gave him a perplexed glance before extending her trembling hand slowly in his direction.
He lifted her up while holding her hand and made her to sit in front of him.

They locked eyes and stared at one another. While one was perplexed, the other found it amusing.
He suddenly moved in closer to her and extended his hand to grab a strand of hair from her face. He fiddled it with his two fingers before gently pulling it behind her ear.

He gently questioned, "Why are you running away from me, yn?", as his hand slid down and took her face in his palm.

She was perplexingly looking at every move he made. Her exhausted self was plainly visible on her face. Her face was drenched in sweat, as though she had received a water shower.

She muttered in a low, shaking voice, "I'm tired".

His thumb began to softly stroke her cheek. Her body shivered as he slipped the remaining fingers behind her ear.

He responded in a hoarse voice, "Tired of what!? "

"Betrayal . In the end, everyone leaves me", she responded.

"No one leaves you yn", he said.
He whispered as he went closer to her ear.
"You always trust the wrong person"
He moved his hand slowly downward, and then paused on the scar on her neck.

He whispered again, "like you just did. Before holding my hand".

His words caused her entire body to shake.
He began to choke her as he suddenly tightened his hold on her neck.

"Ahh", she groaned and held his hand that was on her neck. Her breathing started to become inconsistent.

He backed away a little coming infront of her face. Using his other hand, he slid his mask downward, causing yn's eyes to widen in shock.
She gasped, "Yoongi!?" in a weak voice.

As his hold tightened, her hands fell to the ground. He smirked at her falling tears. Yn sensed her body becoming weaker and her vision becoming foggy.

"Y-you can't-- ", last words came out of her mouth before her vision got dark.


Yn trembled awake with a jolt. Her body was drenched in sweat as she could feel her body trembling in fear. While breathing heavily she placed her hand on her neck and looked here and there to come back to her senses when she realised she was again in hospital. She glanced at the space.

Everything remained unchanged from when she had first been hospitalised. the room's off-white interiors, as well as the bed, window, and walls. But there was one difference.

She turned her teary, messed up state to her right. No one was holding her hand this time. Nobody was napping beside her and waiting for her to wake up. There was no one to tell her that how worried he was for her. This time, nobody was there to comfort her. Jake wasn't present anymore. She folded her legs up to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, buried her face, and let her pain flow through her eyes in the form of tears.

yn's mind was replaying each moment from the tragedy from yesterday night. His final moments were being replayed in her eyes.
She murmured, "I'm sorry," in a trembling voice.

"I'M SO SORRY. COME BACK. PLEASE", she almost shrieked as she bawled her heart out.

Suddenly, yn heard a door opening sound. She didn't lift her face up, but a moment later she was compelled to do so by a voice.

"Yn !?", Yoongi spoke in a soft voice.



Sorry for a late update, but I'm going to give a double update

So Can you wait for a few hours for another chapter !? (ಥ╭͜ʖ╮ಥ)

Do vote and leave a comment lovely readers.

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